Chapter 10

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(Warning: some sad moment blood shed and tears... I cried writing this)

~ Recap~ What in the hell did my parenst just get me into. I cant be dealing with drugs. They are illegal and at least someone had common sense to say what if i get caught. But still i don't want to go to jail. I want to go to college, graduate, meet my future husband, and have a family, without have a jail record.

~Sophia pov~

I walk back up the stairs furious at my parents. I thought they were both bringing home a good income. All of a sudden i feel sick so i rush to the bathroom and throw up in the toilet. When im done, i sit down on the cold tile floor and lay my head back against the wall. Eventually i get tired of sitting there, so i get up and rinse my mouth and then go to my room.

I walk in my room and get my pajamas and go back to the bathroom that's connected to my room. I take off my clothes and turn the shower on to just the right temperature. I hop in and take a shower ( im pretty sure you all know how to take a shower). I get out the shower and dry off. I put on my pajamas,brush my teeth, and walk to my room and put my clothes in the dirty hamper. I get in the bed and turn off the light.

I don't go to sleep right away, I just sit there and think. What kind of person do my parents think I am?. What kind of sick person puts their daughter in a drug dealing business. Do they want me to become a drug addict and have to go to rehab.

~Angel pov~

After I was dismissed from the meeting I went home. When I arrived, I look at a picture of my family on the wall and say "Hey mom, dad, I'm home."

Before my parents had died, I was a pretty good teenager. I never got into trouble. I always did everything I was told to do. But.... Since they're gone, I've been stuck in a rock hard place.

I'm in a gang and act hard. I make people afraid of me. I fucking kill people for a mother fuckin living. If it weren't for me, they'd still be alive.


Angel had just got his drivers licences. His mom was in the front as his dad was in the back praising him and his good driving. "Honey, take this street.. We'll get there faster." his mom said

Angel was taking his parents to O'Charlys to celebrate him getting his license and his 16th birthday.

As he took the shortcut, a car came and hit them head on, making Angel loose control of the wheel. The car spun a few times before he was able to gain back control.

The car had stopped in the middle of an intersection as an 18-wheeler crossing its way. Not knowing what to do, Angel froze and the truck smashed into the car sending his mom flying out the window and his dad head first to the backseat window.

Glass shattered everywhere as Angel was in a state of shock from the impact. Moments later, the paramedics came and took him off to the hospital. When he woke up, the first thing he asked was "where is my mom and dad?".

The doctors gave him the sad and most depressing news he would ever hear. "Your parents are dead."

~~End of Flashback~~

As I remembered the horrible accident, a tear fell down my face. I immediately wiped it away and went into the kitchen. I fixed something to eat and then went to my room.

On the way, I passed my parents room. I placed my hand on the doorknob and opened it. So many memories came and flooded my mind. I quickly shut the door and made a B line straight to my room.

I ate my food, took a quick shower then went to bed.

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