"Yeah, I kinda think so. I tell ya what, Brian was right. Jimmy would of kicked my ass all over the place if he was here." He grinned sadly.

"Or maybe he is here still. Maybe he's just making you learn shit the hard way." I said.

Matt laughed, nodding his head. He smiled at me.

"He would do that. He would want to see me squirm after the mess I created." He sighed.

"I don't hate you, or Val, or Michelle. I don't hate any of you. I was angry and hurt for a long time. I had good reason to be too. I've moved past all of it." I told him.

"I know you have. And I'm almost there myself. The hardest part is what I did to you. Tatum, I have no idea what the fuck I was thinking when I grabbed you like that in the hotel. I am so fucking sorry. You have no idea how sorry I am." He said seriously.

"I didn't have the right to hit you. Either time. I'm sorry I did." I admitted.

"You're apologizing to me?" He laughed.

I nodded at him.

"Someone needed to smack the fuck out of me. Zack and Brian about killed me that night. I wouldn't of even put up a fight." He told me.

I just stared at him. I really don't know what to say. I know I was wrong hitting him, but Matt knows he should of walked away from me. I truly think the man just snapped for a moment.

Not that it's an excuse, people. I know this.

"I hope one day you can trust me. I know it may be years down the road. But I'm gonna hope that you do some time." He said.

I nodded and sighed.

"How is your baby?" I asked, watching how happy he became.

"He's great. A little bit of colic though." He grinned.

"Got a picture?" I asked.

He looked surprised, but dug his phone out quickly. He handed his phone to me and I smiled. He is definitely Matt's child. He's perfect.

"He's beautiful. Sorry. Handsome." I smiled at him.

"Thanks. We named him River." He grinned.

"I like it. Is Val bringing him with?" I asked.

"Yeah. In a few days they will be here. I miss him. I can't wait for the tour to be over with." He sighed.

"I bet." I smiled.

I heard the bus doors open which meant the rest of them were back. Swift footsteps down the hallway told me it was Brian. He saw me and smiled.

"Hey! Feeling better?" He asked.

"A little." I said.

"She thought she could get up and just move around like normal." Matt grinned at Brian.

"Dammit, babe! Did you fall down? Are you ok?" Brian asked worried.

"I didn't fall. Matt got me back to sit down safely. And yes, I'm fine." I grinned, watching him relax.

"Thank you." Brian told Matt.

I grinned and gave Matt his phone back to him. Brian cocked an eyebrow at me. I rolled my eyes.

"I wanted to see a picture of the baby." I told him.

Brian's eyes softened at me and he smiled.

"He's adorable." I grinned.

"He is." Brian smiled.

"Can someone tell me about the unicorns?" I asked them.

The bus erupted into a fit a laughter. Oh fuck! What the hell did I say this time?!

"Well, you were pissed because I couldn't get you a real unicorn. You spent fifteen minutes convincing me to get one. When I informed you that they weren't real, you got pissed and told me that unicorns thought I wasn't real." Brian smiled.

"Oh my god." I groaned.

"Then you attempted to get Matt on your side, so he too could see that unicorns were real." Brian chuckled.

Matt is about in tears laughing.

"Tell her the best part though!" Zack laughed out from the front of the bus.

"Ahh, yes. Babe, the doctor did not steal your cervix." Brian laughed happily.

My face went red, and my eyes are huge as I stare at them. What in the fuck was I thinking!?


They are all laughing their balls off at me. The bad part? I have no doubts that what Brian just told me was true. My face is so red.

"I have to say, that was the first time I've ever heard anyone tell me that a doctor stole their cervix." Matt smiled at me.

"I hate all of you." I glared, listening to them laugh.

"Hey, since Walmart didn't have a cervix up for sale, we got ya unicorns." Matt laughed.

I let out a laugh finally. Goddamn them. I guess it's only fair, considering how much shit I give all of them on a daily basis.

"At least she knew you were in a band this time, huh?" Matt laughed to Brian.

"True. Which, by the way, I did get an email from Slipknot, congratulating us on the wedding. Corey and Sid hope that I'm ok with your husband also being in a band." Brian laughed.

"You are such a dick." I grinned at him.

He just laughed and nodded at me. I giggled at him.

"Glad I could entertain all of you." I grinned.

"Those pain pills make ya talk in your sleep, girl. Not a fucking bit of sense either." Zack smiled at me.

I groaned again. I can only imagine.

"I caught something about turtles, and a chupacabra? No fucking idea what to think about that." Zack laughed.

"Ok! I'm getting a shower." I grinned.

Matt moved off the floor and over to me. Brian came over to my other side. The world tipped for a moment, then went back into place. I grabbed onto both of their arms to steady myself.

"You ok?" Brian asked.

"Have your cervix dilated and dissected, and tell me how you feel?" I grinned, watching his face fall.

He let out a laugh, then growled.

"How about I let ya hit Johnny in the balls? That help at all?" Matt grinned at me.

"Fuck you!" Johnny yelled.

Once inside the bathroom, Matt closed the door behind us as he walked away. Brian sat me down on the counter and started the water. I felt my face getting red with embarrassment. I'm kind of bleeding and don't want him seeing this.

"Tay, stop. I already know what you're worried about, and I don't care." He said quietly.

"Brian." I whined.

"I mean it. None of this can be helped, so please stop getting upset about that." He told me.

"It's not that easy." I sighed.

"Yes it is. This is life. And sometimes in life you get things that aren't pretty or perfect. This is one of those things." He said, gently hugging me.

"What did I ever do to deserve you?" I asked, looking up at him.

"Other way around, Doll. What did I do to deserve you?" He asked me.

"You let me love you. That was all I needed." I told him.

Brian smiled and nodded at me. He kissed me gently and slowly helped me off the counter.

"Whatever we did, I'm glad it brought us together." He said quietly.

How the hell can you not love this man? I adore him. I really do. 

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