Taehyung immediately thought of Jimin and his reminder to not let Jae go near him nor touch him when they cross paths.

"Do you have free time after this? We could go somewhere... my treat." Jae whispered near his ear.

Taehyung didn't respond as he casually removed Jae's arm resting on his shoulders.

"I'm not interested." Taehyung responded with a blank face. He looked ahead, totally ignoring the guy who just snorted.

"Playing the hard to get card, aren't you?" Jae snickered before maliciously slapping Taehyung's butt that almost made the latter lose his balance, not expecting what he did.

Taehyung turned his head to look at the guy who has an expression that he couldn't read, but he knew it wasn't a pleasant one.

"You shouldn't be doing something like that, Jae." Taehyung stated in monotone that only earned a restrained laugh from the other.

Jae was careful not to make a scene as he leaned forward and whispered.

"Why? Are you going to cry?" He teased.

"Oh hell no. You don't even know how to cry." He laughed even more, taunting Taehyung who just stared at him.

He wanted to say something but nothing really came to mind.

Good thing, his brother's voice suddenly interrupted from his back.

"What's going on here?" Jin asked, darting his eyes from his brother to the man next to him.

Jae was quick to change the expression on his face as he smiled sweetly.

"Hello, sir. I'm one of Taehyung's schoolmates." Jae bowed a little but Jin just nodded his head.

"Do you need anything?" Jin asked, raking his eyes up and down the guy.

"Nothing, sir. I just happened to be here with a few friends of mine." Jae answered, roaming his eyes around to look for his friends.

"I'll probably go now and join them." He said, gazing at Taehyung who didn't look his way.

Jin simply nodded his head before placing down the remaining items in his hands on their cart.

"See you next time, Taehyung." Jae finally excused himself and was quick to vanish from their sight.

Taehyung didn't say anything and just shrugged his shoulders before pushing the cart forward.

"I don't like that guy's face, Taetae." Jin suddenly commented as he stood next to Taehyung.

"Is he a friend?" He asked afterwards.

"No. Jimin won't be happy if he hears you ask that question, hyung." Taehyung responded.

"He has a bad personality, right? I could tell from his face." Jin stated as it's their turn to finally get their items punched out.

Taehyung didn't answer and remained silent until the both of them decided to go home after hours of roaming around the mall.

On their way to the parking lot where they headed for their rented car, Taehyung, in his peripheral vision, caught a familiar figure of a man who entered one of the cars parked a few blocks from theirs.

He didn't get to see the man's face, so he could just be mistaken.

"Taetae, let's go." Jin called out which caught Taehyung's attention.

He nodded his head, quickly closing the gap between them, finally disregarding what he had seen.


"Could you fix this document for me, Taehyung?" Jacqueline, Taehyung's supervisor asked as she forwarded the file to his computer.

"Okay, Ma'am." He answered, immediately checking out the sent file.

He was busy checking for mistakes when his phone buzzed, showing a chat from Jimin.

Jimin sent an attachment.

Taehyung clicked the attachment and was lead to their university's page.

It didn't take him a minute to see the header in bold face.

"Bangtan University mourns for the death of Hyun Jae, a BSBM student."

Taehyung just blankly stared at the article, reading a few lines or so to get the gist of what happened.

However, not much details were mentioned on the page to give respect to the family and in accordance with police protocols.

His phone suddenly buzzed once more, revealing more chats from Jimin.

Jimin: OMG Taehyung! He's dead!


Jimin: SHIT!

Jimin: IDK if I should be happy or not. Like WTF!

Taehyung just shrugged and didn't reply. He closed his phone and went back to work as if nothing happened.

As if the death of the person whom he had seen just a few days ago is nothing but a normal incident.


Love you 💜

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