n i n e t e e n

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Yuta was the first to wake up, the memories from that morning flooded back soon after. He was in a form of shock, held in disbelief that Mark was his, just as much as he was Mark's. Only four years in the making. As cheesy as it sounds, his heart has never felt so complete- it was as if everything was finally falling into place. If this was all a dream, he never wanted to wake up. Yuta moved closer to Mark, so he could admire his soulmate's face in this state of bliss.

Mark was just so perfect, somehow his imperfections (not that they were real imperfections) made him seem even more ethereal. From his messy hair that slightly stuck to his forehead, the rounded arches of his eyebrows to the facial hair that was just beginning to grow out, every detail made Yuta fall in love with his soulmate more. Yuta brought his (shaky) hand up to Mark's face, delicately tracing his jaw and the outline of his lips, checking that Mark was real.


They weren't together.

They hadn't agreed on anything, Mark might regret it-


While Yuta was silently panicking, Mark had started to wake up, rubbing his eyes and smiling. Until the memories had seemed to hit him like a truck too. Mark's eyes widened comically, and before Yuta could stop him, he rushed to the bathroom, the door slamming aggressively behind him. The sound of the shower starting soon followed.

Well what was the poor Japanese man going to do now? What if Mark expected him to be gone? Should he leave the room to avoid awkwardness once Mark returned, call his mum to ask for advice or pick the lock of the bathroom door and demand answers? None of those options seemed ideal, so Yuta decided that he'd just wait. Calling his mother seemed like a terrible idea, she'd abandon sympathy just to make sure that Yuta would know that he should have listened to her. He could almost hear her voice, all the "I told you so" comments he'd receive were already ringing in his ears.

Was he not enough? Clearly Mark felt some attraction for Yuta and even confessed his love, but what if it was more of a 'heat of the moment' type of situation? People tend to say things they don't really mean when they're angry. Yuta began to doubt himself more; Mark could regret it because he thinks that Yuta wasn't good in bed. He began to shake and his breathing became uneven, he pulled some random clothes on (what did it matter if it matched or not) and sat anxiously on the end of his bed. What if Mark thought that he was too rough? Yuta would never forgive himself if he hurt Markie, intentionally or not.

Thinking back on it, why did he even hide it from Mark for so long? Sure rejection was scary, but he could have at least hinted something to Mark once him and Eunji had broken up- at least in that way, so it wouldn't have been a complete surprise. Who knows, maybe Yuta could have even brought up enough courage to confess to Mark if he was sure that the feelings are mutual. Then Mark may have had a better eighteenth birthday.

They could have spent it together as a group and Mark could have celebrated finally being recognised as an adult (via the soulmate mark). Instead, he'd spent it finding out that his best friend had kept a huge secret from him for years, being furious at Yuta because of it and then losing his virginity to said best friend at 11am. They'd also kicked out the other members to create privacy for their argument and by the lack of noise, they still hadn't chanced coming back, but Yuta was sure that Mark wasn't going to have a slice of birthday cake either. Yuta felt guilty, it seemed like he'd ruined everything.

Fortunately, Yuta's crisis about his regrettable life choices was interrupted by the bathroom door opening. Yuta's eyes tearfully followed his soulmate, watching as Mark's wet hair fell into his eyes and one of Yuta's largest hoodies blanketed his small body. This time, he made sure to close the door gently behind him. As Yuta opened his mouth to start frantically apologising, in an attempt to salvage what he thought was a ruined friendship, Mark beamed at him. Obviously not the reaction he was expecting.

"Oppa, are you feeling okay?" Mark was glowing.

"Uhm, I thought I should be asking you that? Why aren't you mad?"

"Technically I'm in pain, because you know,, , but such a weight has been lifted off my shoulders that I feel great! Why would I be mad oppa?"

Oh god Mark was openly calling him 'oppa' now- Yuta thought he was going to combust because of how cute that was.

"I don't know,, , earlier? You just left as soon as you woke up?"

Mark's face fell, realising the the implication of leaving immediately after waking up for the first time.

"Oh my, I didn't mean to make you think you'd done something wrong,, , I just wanted to clean up before everyone else got back-"

"I see, I think we need to talk." Yuta wanted to have this conversation over and done with, he wasn't going to wait until Mark brought it up.

"We do?"

"Well yeah, what are we? I'm not really sure what you feel for me, I mean, you could have just said it in the moment" Yuta asked hesitantly.

Mark looked perplexed for a moment, before smiling again and straddling Yuta's lap, arms wrapped around his neck.

"Yuta, I need you to know that I meant every word. I love you so much and I have for a while, though clearly not as long as you. You take my breath away in the best way possible, when I look at you all my stress disappears and the way that you put others above yourself makes me love you more. I wouldn't want anyone else to be my soulmate." Mark said firmly, planting a kiss on Yuta's lips.

It seemed impossible, but Yuta's face turned an even deeper shade of red.

"I- I'm going to be honest, I never thought you'd feel the same way. I feel like I'm the luckiest man in the world. You are the most important person in the world to me, I love you so much, more than you could ever know. What I'm trying to say is, now that I know you love me too and yeah, we've had our ups and downs but we've always come out stronger a the end,, , do you want to give us a go?"

"W-what are you saying, Yuta oppa?" Mark looked up at him hopefully.

"Do you want to be my boyfriend? It's totally okay if you don't, if you think we're rushing things or something - I can give you as much time as you need."

"Of course I want to be your boyfriend!"

After hearing this, Yuta started to tear up. He placed both of his hands on the sides of Mark's face, staring into his eyes - finding only love staring back - before leaning in and placing a long kiss on his soulmate's lips. He poured all of his emotions into that kiss before pulling back and leaning their foreheads against one another.

"I love you" Yuta breathed.

"I love you too" Mark smiled and reconnected their lips.

Author's note:
Am. So. Sorry. I can't believe I disappeared for over two weeks- I wish I could say I have a good excuse but I was just drawing ugly fan art and trying to keep up with schoolwork while studying for exams at the same time. Uh so here is a kind of short chapter, technically this is the end of the story but I have an epilogue planned out (hopefully it won't take me two weeks to write it) so stay tuned ;)

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