t w e l v e

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Perhaps it was unreasonable and naive for Yuta to hope that Mark would have realised that his stupid girlfriend wasn't his soulmate, therefore not truly worth his time, as harsh as it sounds. It really seems that Yuta was just far too optimistic, and looking back to a month ago, it was stupid to think that they would have broken up after their fight. Of course they wouldn't. He's not that lucky.

This led to Yuta spending the majority of the second of August on the floor of the bathroom. How did he get there? Yuta wasn't sure. Probably something to do with the two empty bottles of soju on the floor next to him. He glared at them, feeling angrier that even these bottles had a partner. This wasn't fair and the world was definitely conspiring against him. Mark was a few rooms down from him, with Eunji, having a "sleepover". Heavy air quotations because the noises he could still hear after a lot of alcohol suggested otherwise. His group members abandoned him, to spend the night at the dreamies' dorm instead. They didn't even bother to tell him, well, they had, but they only sent him a text while he was busy buying soju. It's impossible to check your phone while trying to not look conspicuous and dodgy when you're trying to buy five bottles of soju at 9pm - by yourself, wearing a mask and hat, in sweatpants and a general aura of 'I'm trying to get drunk'.

If it was up to him, he'd be out at a bar, looking depressed while the bartender would continuously pour him drinks and when his vision was too hazy to see the liquor stains on the table, he'd stumble home to cry. He'd be in that situation right then if he could. However, it wasn't up to Yuta because as soon as their manager took one look at him, she refused to let him outside, in fear of embarrassing the company. He couldn't even go to the dreamies' dorm if he tried, so due to the lack of other choices, Yuta returned to the bathroom to avoid further human interactions and to try and forget his feelings.

It was almost midnight now, and more of his soju was gone. Briefly wondering where it had all gone, did he spill it, drink it or was it stolen? It might have been stolen from him. The door was locked, so this thief must have crawled in through the window of their tenth floor apartment. His drunken thoughts were interrupted by his stomach rumbling. When had he last eaten? Probably sometime late last night. The manager had long since gone home and the noises had stopped so Yuta thought he could venture out into the kitchen to get some food.

Yuta stumbled down the hallway, and with each heavy step he questioned why Mark would date that awful girl. Cleary he hadn't had enough alcohol to force him to forget about his issues, so he took a few more gulps of soju, this made his head hurt. He also felt hot. To verify this, Yuta brought a hand to his face - unfortunately it was the one that was holding his precious bottle, it was definitely flushed,, ,  and while doing this, he'd poured whatever was left onto his shirt. Brilliant. This is what he wanted. He didn't need a shirt anyway, he was too hot (in both ways, pity that Mark was blind). Clumsily, he ditched his shirt and left it in the hallway,, , he'd probably get it later.

Eventually, Yuta made it to the kitchen. He threw his empty bottle in the recycling bin, the ones still in the bathroom would have to wait until tomorrow. His stomach growled again. Scanning the room around him, a half empty jar of jam called to him. Jam on toast it is then. After the bread finished toasting an there was already a bit of jam on the toast, Yuta decided that it needed butter too, so he walked straight at the fridge and unfortunately didn't stop before his face collided with the door. Disoriented, Yuta gripped the fridge's handle while blinking to try and get rid of the throbbing in his head. He pulled. Nothing happened. Was it locked? How did Taeyong manage to lock the fridge and more importantly, why would he? Whatever, he didn't want the stupid butter anyway.

Yuta fumbled with the simple task of making toast for another five minutes before he got to sit at the island table. Even his pieces of toast had a partner, everyone else but Yuta, apparently. The toast had betrayed him just like his soju. Fuck. There was also a rather pretty vase of flowers on the table - given to them at a recent awards show - however since their manager had tasked them to water it themselves,, , they were already wilting. Yuta was chewing so slowly; he was concentrating on which flowers were wilting faster than then others.

He was so focused on the flowers in front of him that he didn't notice Eunji come in. She seemed to either not have noticed Yuta or she was ignoring him on purpose. Yuta only cared enough to acknowledge her existence once she'd opened the fridge door with ease, pulling out a bottle of water. How did she do that? He thought the door was locked? His glare seemed to make her uncomfortable, she shifted on her feet, desperately trying to find an excuse for leaving without being incredibly rude.

She looks up, ready to state her excuse, even going as far as to open her mouth, until she noticed the soulmate mark on Yuta's chest where she became completely lost for words again. She gaped for a while, just opening and closing her mouth for a while. Finally, with her mind made up and a sinister grin stretched across her face, she narrowed her eyes at Yuta.

"So Yuta, Mark is your soulmate?"

Crap. Yuta began to say every curse word he knew in his head, Japanese, Korean and even some Chinese and English ones too. How could he be so careless? Of course someone was going to see it, he wasn't wearing a shirt. A figurative bucket of ice water had been dumped on him and he was almost completely sober now. He was frozen, and very unwilling to say anything; he stared at her with a mortified expression.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAAHH! I'm sorry to say this but Mark isn't gay." She sneered.


"Did you really have any hope that he would like you back? That's pathetic" She continued to laugh cruelly at him.

Yuta didn't need, ask or want that reminder. He knew that already, he wasn't stupid. Mark was obsessed with this girl - for whatever reason - and even though they were soulmates, he would never love Yuta the way he loved Eunji. She was confident in that too.

"Look, I'm feeling merciful today, since Mark and I just had so much fun..."

She really did take the time to rub it in, didn't she? Bitch.

"... I won't tell Mark..."

Oh thank god. Perhaps his first evaluation of her was true, maybe she wasn't completely awful and he'd misjudged he because of his crippling jealousy.

"... unless you don't stay away from him"

He spoke too soon. She was basically evil. What the hell was wrong with her? She even had this sadistic smile on her face; she was enjoying this.

"I'm sorry,, , what?"

"It really would be such a pity if you had to lose your best friend over this, hm?"


"Right. I'm going to cut the crap. Stay. Away. From. My. Boyfriend. Or I will have to tell him that you're in love with him and then he's going to hate you. He will never love you. Distance yourself or lose him forever, it's your choice."

After finishing her sentence, she picked up her glass of water from the countertop and exited the room, but not before sending one last cocky smile over her shoulder. Yuta dropped to his knees and let out a choked sob.

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Author's note:

I'm so sad, my Resonance pt 2 album was supposed to be shipped on November 24th, but apparently there was a manufacturing problem, so it was delayed. Did anyone else experience this? It sucks, but I guess it can't be helped, all I can hope for is that it gets sorted soon :')

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! This definitely isn't my best work, but I'm not sure what I can do about it. If you did like it, please consider voting and commenting,, , reading your comments makes my day. :))

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