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August 2015 - October 2015

Mark's POV

Over the next few months, Mark makes sure Yuta is eating properly again. He brought Yuta (who was very unwilling at first) to eat with the other members at meal times so he could keep a better eye on the older boy. The others, while oblivious to the reason behind Yuta joining them at dinner, they were pleased to see him and were also pleased that he wasn't avoiding them anymore. One evening, as Mark was staring at Yuta tentatively placing food in his mouth, he noticed that Yuta's hair was getting much longer than usual and discovered that he liked it. He liked the way that his hair hung past his eyes and grazed his cheekbones, it made him look so handsome. Not that Yuta didn't always look handsome, but this made him look even better, at least in his own opinion. So when Taeyong suggested that he get a haircut, Mark had a strong opinion to say the least.

"Yuta, I think it's time that you get a haircut, don't you think it is starting to get a bit long?"

"Well Taeyong, I suppose I should, because I haven't really been paying attention to my hair lately and-"

"NO! YOU CAN'T!" Mark had slapped his hand over his mouth immediately after, embarrassed.

"What's wrong Markie?"

"UH NOTHING! I mean, uh nothing, it's just that I think it would be wiser that you continued to grow out your hair"

"Why?" Taeyong looked at him questioningly.

"Well, Yuta hyung looks really nice with his hair like this, I think it suits him" Mark's face was completely red.

"Thanks Markie, sorry Taeyong, but it looks like I won't be getting a haircut soon" Yuta beamed at Mark which caused the flustered boy to look down at his lap.

Not that Mark is gay or anything. He can appreciate his hyung's handsomeness without being gay. Besides he has a girlfriend, who he loves, though when Eunji last got her hair cut, Mark didn't actually notice it until she'd angrily pointed it out. Mark remembers apologising to her many times, showing her with compliments that he believes that she deserves. That didn't stop Mark's thoughts from drifting to Yuta pushing his hair out of his eyes though. Fuck.

He even got Yuta to skip some of his late night practices so he could get more sleep. Mark sometimes liked to sneak into Yuta's room so crawl into bed with him, just so he could be sure that Yuta was safe. Mark feeling extra warm and safe was just a bonus.

Yuta was gaining some of his weight back, and lost the hollowness of his cheeks and at some point during October, Johnny got fed up with Yuta's lack of style. Once he managed to separate himself from his wonderful boyfriend Ten for more than fifteen minutes, he took Yuta out shopping, saying that it was an early birthday present:

"For the love of god, please stop wearing anything like that." While gesturing at Yuta's shabby, mismatched clothing. A product of Yuta temporarily giving up.

His best friend was so good looking and when he started wearing clothes that emphasised this again, he lost brain function. Not that Mark had any complaints, of course.

Mark became more aware that he was spreading his time unevenly, so he started putting his phone away during dance practice, spent at least a few hours with his best friend every evening and went on dates with Eunji, managing to do his homework in between.

November 2015 - April 2016

Yuta's POV

It was two in the morning, why was he doing this? He really shouldn't be. This felt wrong, but that didn't stop Yuta from continuing to try different username combinations until he got one that was unique. Next, he entered his personal information. As he scrolled down to the 26th of October as his birthdate, he briefly felt surprised, he forgot that he's nineteen now.

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