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Yuta always knew that they were supposed to be together. They were both the same in a way, coming from foreign countries and then feeling totally out of place. Both of them even became trainees at around the same time, so close in fact, that Mark only arrived a few days before himself.

The first time Yuta saw Mark, he knew he had to succeed and become an official idol. Not just for the sake of his own career anymore, no, he wanted to be able to provide for Mark and make sure he could never want for anything. He had felt immediate infatuation and a consuming need to protect Mark. He was just so precious. His eyes crinkled cutely when he grinned, his self confidence was admirable and his laugh made the room feel ten times brighter. Yuta certainly hadn't felt that sure of himself. His Korean wasn't perfect and definitely had room for improvement but he still felt it was better than Mark's. Though the language certainly didn't seem to stop Mark from making friends, Yuta was almost jealous.

Almost, since Mark was just about the most adorable thing his eyes had ever and would ever be blessed to see, his need to "protect" Mark won over his petty jealousy. This need was consuming and Yuta craved to shield Mark from the world with his own body, hence his obsession with hugging Mark all the time. It started as a friendly thing, but Yuta found that he really liked to hug the younger boy and then seized every opportunity he could find to hug Mark. Every opportunity.

Unsurprisingly, Yuta's heart softened every time his eyes wandered to wherever Mark was. Whether it was Mark practicing, his voice cracking as he tried to reach a high note or just simply taking a sip of water, these actions were incredibly endearing. Yuta also enjoyed how grown up he felt in comparison to Mark, he was around 4 years older than him. He came to find out this information near-instantly, Mark had come running to him after he left his room for the first time and introduced himself excitedly.


"Oh, um, hello."

At the time, Yuta had blushed out of pure embarrassment. He was an introverted 16 year old; this outgoing child he had noticed as soon as he entered SM Entertainment for the first time (he really couldn't believe that someone could look so close to a cute baby lion) was introducing himself and suddenly full sentences had seemed like an impossible concept. He was truly lost for words.


Yuta couldn't think of a better proposal.

"Yeah, sure."

Mark didn't seemed to be even slightly put off by Yuta's lack of speech and had grabbed his hand and dragged him to go pick up some food from the cafe in the lobby. Yuta had been completely dazed and couldn't remember the journey from the practice rooms, down the lift and to the trendy cafe. In hindsight, that was embarrassing. Occupied by staring off at a wall, Yuta almost hadn't caught the small voice directed to him.



"I, uh, forgot my money"


Yuta wanted to be annoyed at this, truly he did, but Mark was just so cute. His puppy eyes had been staring up at him (at the time, Mark was over a foot shorter than him) and it was at this moment that he realised that he would go to the ends of the Earth if Mark just so wished. He couldn't bring himself to mind about that either.

"I'll pay then" He added with a small smile

"Thanks, hyung!"

Of course Mark had ordered the drink with the highest sugar content that was humanly possible. Was that even allowed in their diets? Either way, it had been endearing. Sure, it had only been a two hour flight but Yuta was still exhausted so he had gone with a black coffee. Silence covered them like a blanket once they had sat down, until Mark started babbling again. He had had so much energy.



"What's your name?"

Oh, of course, he had never actually introduced himself. Stupid.

"I'm Nakamoto Yuta"



"Where are you from? Are you from Japan? You sound Japanese, that would be so cool if you were! I've been before, with my parents! OH! I'm from Canada! Have you ever gone there?"

Yuta was speechless again and he has raised his eyebrows in disbelief.

"Uhm yeah, I'm from Osaka actually. I'm sorry, I've never had the pleasure of visiting Canada before, is it nice?"

"Of course it is, silly! I'm twelve by the way, I'm turning thirteen soon!"

"Really? When?"

"On the 2nd of August! I'm so excited! What about you, hyung?"

The 2nd of August was officially his favourite day of the year.

"The 26th of October, I turned sixteen fairly recently"

"Oh cool! I love October, because of Halloween, you know? The candy is amazing and it's all free!" Mark's grin was infectious.

"Yeah, me too."

They fell into easy conversation, Mark obviously did most of the talking but the pair had been content with this arrangement. Unfortunately, Mark's break had come to an end much too soon. After he had given Yuta a quick hug for his 'trouble', Mark disappeared back into the practice rooms and Yuta went to hide in his bedroom.

Over the next few days, Yuta had met the rest of the SM rookies and got settled in. He had thrown himself into training, since he had a new motivation.

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Author's note:

So, this is the first thing I've ever posted on Wattpad. Honestly not expecting anyone to read this, yet I'm so nervous? Anyway, let me know if there is anything wrong with my writing. :)

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