f i f t e e n

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*warning* There is a fair amount of swearing in this, if you're not comfortable with that sort of thing.

Mark and Yuta were cuddling on the sofa. Well Mark was lying with his head in Yuta's lap - who was watching the television, while Mark was concentrating on his phone. The smaller boy had his brows furrowed and seemed to be stressed so Yuta was threading his fingers through Mark's hair to relieve some of the tension. It didn't seem to be helping much, even if Mark leant into his touch.



"Eunji, she's coming over soon"

Yuta tensed. "What? Why?"

"I dunno, she just told me and said we were having a sleepover here?"

"She invited herself over?"

"I guess?"

"Alright, it's not like I can stop her. When does she get here?"

"She didn't say, I assume it's sometime later though, since she just texted me"


With the reassurance that Eunji wouldn't be coming over soon, he put his arm back around Mark, pulled his eyes away from Mark's face and back onto the TV. Unfortunately, not even five minutes later, Eunji strutted into the room with too much confidence. She glared at Yuta and immediately noticed that he was not distanced from Mark in the slightest. However, she decided not to make a scene at that moment.

"Hi babe"

"Uhm, hello"

"Aren't you happy to see me?"

",, , Yes, but I didn't think you'd be coming over so soon?"

"I thought you'd want to spend more time with me. What, do you have something to hide?"

"No of course not,, , babe"

"Good. Now, let's go back to your room"

",, , okay"

Yuta watched as Mark wearily got off his lap and followed Eunji back to his room but he smiled a little when Mark mumbled a quick apology to Yuta. Well, since he didn't have anything to do, he packed up his stuff, so he could go work out for a couple hours to avoid listening to anything unnecessary. He wasn't in a drinking mood and he'd learnt his lesson from last time.

It was hours later, at around nine in the evening when Yuta re-entered the dorm; he entered the kitchen to get a drink of water, he was exhausted. The sweat made his shirt cling to his back but he was far too tired to change, even if it would bring him more comfort. Also, once he'd sat down, he knew it would take a lot of effort to get up again.

When Eunji also came into the kitchen, he was thankful that at least this time he was wearing a shirt, and Yuta had a sneaking suspicion that she was waiting for him to come back, listening to hear then the front door opened. She took her time moving around, getting a glass and filling it with water which gave him an unpleasant feeling of déjà vu washed over him. Smirking, Eunji let Yuta waste away in the agonising silence for a few more moments, sipping her water and Yuta knew she was enjoying his discomfort. Finally, she spoke.

"You didn't listen to me, did you?"

"I don't know what you're talking about"

She narrowed her eyes. "You know exactly what I'm talking about, don't pretend to be clueless"

"I'm sorry, but I still have no clue?" Yuta said nervously, cursing himself for phrasing what should have been a statement as a question.

"I told you to stay away from Mark"

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