e p i l o g u e - p a r t 1

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Five years later

Mark's POV

That Saturday morning, Mark was woken up by the sunlight streaming down on his face. Odd, Yuta always closes the curtains before going to sleep. Feeling around the bed for his boyfriend of five years, Mark realised that Yuta never came back the night before. He kind of just assumed that Yuta was going to be practicing late into the night - he'd been way busier ever since the Japanese unit debuted so Mark hadn't bothered waiting for Yuta to return. Clearly that had been a mistake and Mark should have gone to the practice rooms to collect his overworked boyfriend. Too late now, Mark supposed, he'll just bring Yuta a coffee to help him get through the day.

Sighing, Mark swung his legs out from under the covers and put them on the floor. The Canadian then trudged to the bathroom to get ready for the day, tired because he always slept better when Yuta was next to him.

It was only after Mark finished brushing his teeth that he noticed the envelope stuck to the mirror, addressed to him. Surprised but also curious, he reached out to grab the envelope - it was clear that Yuta had written this for him. "Markie" was on the front, in Yuta's best handwriting, which made Mark smile to himself. Yuta was too cute for this world, the letter inside the envelope proved it:

"Dear Markie,

So, I had an idea and I would have asked you about it, but then it wouldn't be a surprise. A couple of weeks ago, I came back home really late from dance practice (already feeling super guilty because I'd said that I would be home earlier that day, sorry about that) and noticed that you'd fallen asleep on the couch waiting for me (which made me feel worse).

I wanted to make it up to you, and while I was carrying you to bed I realised that I wanted you to know how much I love you, by showing you. You know I love you already, but I wanted to show you even more,, , so I came up with this scavenger hunt! I hope you enjoy it~

Firstly, there are five locations, or clues, in total. The first being this one, there is one clue for every year we've been together. Secondly, you have to solve each clue/task in order to get to the next location, so here it is:

Go to where we first met, in order to receive the next envelope, you have to order the same drink you ordered that day- good luck remembering that baby.

Lots of love, Yuta.

P.S. I love that you've refused to get AirPods; I've always admired how down to earth you are."

Mark felt like crying; Yuta had no business being this romantic. Obviously, they met at the café next to SM, but Mark had no idea what he ordered- this was going to be a disaster. Either way, Mark got dressed nicely and did his makeup faster than he had ever done before. He was so excited to do these tasks, then he could also shower Yuta with the affection he deserves. Mark then ran out of the dorms, ignoring the other members (who were still in their pyjamas) so he could get to the café sooner.

Mark arrived at the café panting. So what if he was too impatient to walk so he ran? Thankfully, the only barista was unfazed and looked like she was expecting him. She smiled.

"So, I assume you're the boyfriend,, , Mark?" She raised her eyebrow.

"Uh yeah, that's me"

"Great! So tell me, what would you like to order?"

"Is there no way you could tell me the answer?"

The barista grinned. "Sorry, no can do"

"Uhm,, , I can't remember, I was like twelve-"

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