Prologue, Part I

Depuis le début

So here's the thing. I don't remember ever setting foot in Hope's Peak. I was walking to that grand place, and all of a sudden, my senses gave out and everything went dark.


How long have I seen nothing but darkness...?

Kaori: Eh...

My eyes had opened now, and I appeared to be in a classroom, yet the windows were bolted shut for some reason. My vision was blurry, because I had just woken up, so that was the best I could describe it back then.

Kaori: Uh... what's going on?

I didn't understand. Why would I be knocked out cold and then taken to Hope's Peak Academy? Wouldn't it have just frightened me? And besides, why were the windows blocked off? In fact, where was I?

Furthermore, as I slowly lifted my head up from the desk I was sitting at, I saw a humanoid shape standing near me. Looked like a boy. Another question on my mind.

Suited Boy: Hello? Miss? Are you alright?

Kaori: Umm...

Suited Boy: Excuse me? You okay?

Kaori: I am...

Suited Boy: That's good to know.

My vision unblurred enough for me to clearly see him. He was a boy in a suit and glasses standing beside me, but I didn't have any idea who he was, or why he was here.

Suited Boy: Hello there! Looks like you've finally woken up!

Kaori: Ugh... My head... What happened?

Suited Boy: Guess you're in the same boat as me. You set off for Hope's Peak, everything suddenly goes black and before you know it, you wake up in a classroom in the middle of nowhere.

Kaori: Strange. By the way, who even are you?

Suited Boy: Hmm... is it okay for you to introduce yourself first?

Kaori: Fine, I guess.

Suited Boy: Anyways, miss, what's your name?

Kaori: My name? It's Kaori Hotaru. And I am the Ultimate Weaver.

Suited Boy: A pleasure to meet you, Kaori. Count on me, Daigo Bushida, the Ultimate Salaryman, to be your guide!

Kaori: ..."Guide"?

Daigo: Yep! From what I've heard, today's an orientation day meant to get us all settled into our new school life! Sounds swell, doesn't it? Or at least as swell as it can be.

Kaori: All? Don't say it's not just you and me!

Daigo: Sorry, Kaori, but that's the truth. Apparently, there's 16 of us here, including the both of us. Mind you, I'm a bit nervous myself!

Kaori: You could say so... After all, this isn't normal. Suddenly blacking out and finding yourself in a classroom with no idea of what happened is not normal!

Daigo: I'll have to agree with you on that, Kaori. But of course, I have to keep a smile on my face. Because that's my job.

Kaori: Right. Where is everyone else, by the way?

Daigo: Oh! Anyways, everyone else has gathered at the gymnasium. Might as well bring you there for you to say hello.

Kaori: Hmm. I guess one of them asked you to come here.

Daigo: Yes, she did actually! And I accepted, because for me, getting to know my boss, my co-workers, it'll help both them and you a lot!

Kaori: (A salaryman. The archetypical Japanese white collar worker. Daigo may seem happy about his career, but I doubt others would be... No, this is no time to think about such trivial matters. I may prefer to be alone, but if I have to introduce myself, I might as well do so.)

Daigo: You ready?

Kaori: Yes.

So I took Daigo's hand, left the classroom, and we walked together through the halls. Most of them were metallic and grey and barely worth mentioning. It actually gave me the creeps, and even his presence wasn't enough to stop the chills shivering down my spine.


Kaori: This is quite boring. Hardly something you would consider fashionable.

Daigo: You know, this kind of reminds me of my office.

Kaori: Why do you have to go to the office? Aren't you a bit too young for that?

Daigo: That's what a salaryman does. Every day, every week, every year.

Kaori: Geez, that's probably going to break a lot of child labour laws-

Daigo: Who cares if I jumped a bunch of grades? I'm being the best salaryman I can possibly be! Just like you with weaving!

Kaori: Wait, you recognise me?

Daigo: I do! We're all well-known, after all. Practically everybody who enrolls into Hope's Peak is a teen celebrity, hehe.

Kaori: (sigh) I suppose.

We passed by a set of doors, both coloured and sticking out like sore thumbs in the relative barrenness of the halls. I could make a guess what was behind them.

Kaori: Finally.

Daigo: What, the toilets?

Kaori: How did you guess?

Daigo: Well, everywhere's gotta have them, for when nature calls!

Kaori: ...This is awkward.

Daigo: At least there's that. Shall we carry on?

Kaori: I suppose. We have nothing better to do or talk about, anyway.

Daigo: Right then, Kaori.

Eventually, we reached the gymnasium, and I stopped as Daigo continued forward and pushed open the doors for me.

Daigo: Here you go!

Kaori: Thanks.

Daigo: Now let's meet 'em! Say hello to her, everyone!

He stepped into the gymnasium, and I stumbled forward after him. I looked around to see that it was quite spacious, quite a bit larger than most other gymnasiums you'd see at a high school. Equipment was there, of course, but my attention instantly turned to those who had been waiting for me, according to Daigo.

What awaited us were 14 other boys and girls, similar in age to us. I couldn't recall any names, but I remembered that they were all famous or infamous for their own reasons. One was being scouted for Japan's major volleyball teams while she was still in middle school, while another was known for his beautifully cut gemstones that he sold for a fortune.

Boy in Prison Jumpsuit: Finally. Took her long enough.

Girl in Gym Uniform: C'mon! She must've had a reason to be that long!

Suspicious Girl: Really? We were all told to gather her by some stupid voice on the intercom. No excuse.

Kaori: I woke up in the middle of nowhere.

Daigo: We all did!

Suspicious Girl: Oh.

Large Boy: Right then. So that makes all of us, according to him.

Girl in Scrubs: Who?

Large Boy: The apparent headmaster, if that voice was him...

Robed Boy: This is very strange... It seems as though we're all here for some higher purpose, don't you think?

Girl in Scrubs: Whatever it is, I don't know. Maybe stick around and find some answers, right?

Boy in Prison Jumpsuit: Sounds good to me.

Little did I know that sooner or later, I would have to trust them all with my life, and for them to trust me with their own.


Prologue: In the Beginning..., Part I, End

16 Remain

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