Red for your fiery heart. (52)

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"Well then tell me what I'm supposed to do."

He raised his eyebrow but explained anyway. "We're not catching anyone, that would be stupid. We just need a glimpse of Angelo's face, we get that we can track him. All you have to do is dance with as many people as possible, get information and tell us it, understood?"

Oh, I understood perfectly.

I nodded.

They wanted me to do all the dirty work, so they could get all the glory.

"These people are murderers Jess, and you've never hurt a fly, don't do anything stupid." It's funny how what I think was supposed to be a compliment sounded like an insult.

"Send Lucas my regards." I waved him off as I shewed him out the door. I tried to ignore the sting that he hadn't been here himself, I wondered if Hunter could hear it in my voice, but regardless none of that mattered right now.

Then I noticed the box sitting at the edge of my bed and as I walked up to it I felt my heart skip a beat slowly pulling the white ribbon as it came undone before taking off the lid.

Laying on top of something deep lush red was a gold mask. It was small yet beautiful, covering no more than the eyes and the nose.

The gold wrapped around the mask-like vines bloomed into small elegant flowers curling at the ends. The eyes were lined with little white diamonds that put it all together giving the mask a royal, mysterious facade to it.

I picked it up gently putting it down on my bed beside me paying attention to what had been underneath it. I pulled it out to find an alluring deep red ball gown that draped to the floor. I couldn't even hold it up properly. It was strapless with a sweetheart neckline. The edge of it was outlined with artistic gold leaves that spread down to the waist detailing the smooth dress like a crimson red field. Each detail a beautiful lace that blended and mixed with the dress.

To put it bluntly, it was the most stunning dress I had ever seen and it matched perfectly with the mask I was given with it.

I had been so concentrated on the ball gown and mask that I hadn't noticed there was still more in the box.

A pair of long elegant red gloves laced with gold detailing laid there beside them a small note.

"Red for your fiery heart and gold for the kindness laced inside of it.


My heart melted and for a moment it was as if he had never done any wrong to me, everything he had given me was so beautiful it made me sick to my stomach thinking how expensive it would have been and guilt rushed over me as I remembered how I treated him before when he had done such a kind thing for me.

Part of me wanted to run out and thank him then. But then I remembered the sting of Leo's words, how they had been said because of Lucas and I didn't feel so guilty anymore.

I had never seen my heart as fiery but now that I thought about the thoughts in my head, I had trouble finding the kindness too.

So I left it and went to shower but even as I did. He was all that was in my mind, and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't stop thinking about him.

About whether, I should forgive him, talk to him, what he would wear at the ball. If I would even recognise him. What would I even do that could be better than the boss of the gang himself?

Once I had finished showering I went to my bag and pulled out the gun and knife Lucas had given me a while ago now, they were supposed to be to protect myself, but pulling them out this time felt more like violence than protection.

I grabbed my whip too before grabbing a pair of tights and taking my knife to them, cutting a slot where I pushed my weapons into, the knife was actually quite beautiful too. The handle had little markings and details on it that were also golden. But I didn't spend long looking at it because the thought of stabbing someone would come to mind and make me uncomfortable, but when I focused on the gun, it was worse.

The last time I had held it was when I held it up to Leo, and guilt pang in my stomach.

Now that he hated me, or pretended to, would he rat us out? All I could do was hope he wouldn't.

So I slipped on my dress and tied it as tight as I could round the back and it hugged my figure snuggly pronouncing my shoulders, neck and chest. But I didn't mind it. The bottom really did puff out. And for a moment I felt like a real princess. I took ages curling my hair into perfect sections.

Then did my makeup, winged eyeliner, mascara. Eyebrows. I didn't want eyeshadow because I wanted my mask to get the attention not my eyes. Then I put some lush red lipstick on to match putting some red heels on, slipping on my gloves and grabbing my phone and mask and heading downstairs.

Sure enough, like he said there was a limo waiting for me at 10:30 on the dot and I put on my mask carefully before stepping outside. As soon as the driver notices me he gets out of the car and opens the door for me as I check to see if it's one of the guys. But it isn't.

"Good evening mam." The driver smiles as I step into the car.

"Hello." He shuts the door gently behind me before getting in and driving.

"Feel free to help yourself to a drink." He says his eyes on the road.

And I just say that im okay. I'd never been in a limo before but I would be lying if I said it wasn't luxury, I was used to the tiny confinement of my mini, so this was a nice change. But my mind quickly shifted from that to the ball as I found my leg shake.

After about half an hour of driving the limo stopped and I looked out the window. We were outside a big old building being held up by marble pillars. The light shining from the Inside and moss began to climb its way up the walls near the windows at the top.

"We're here Miss." The driver smiles before stepping out of the car and opening my door for me once again.

"Thank you." I nod as I take his hand and pull myself up, I stand grabbing my dress being sure it isn't touching the floor outside.

I made my way through the massive doors and a man guided me upstairs walking through a massive hallway, the further we got the more the music began to become louder, the music was gentle. Violins and flutes, pianos and harps. It was festive and elegant all at the same time.

And as we got to the end of the hallway two doors opened up and I saw it, the ballroom.

Well, the Chandler of the ballroom.

I was about to enter something I wasn't sure I wanted to enter. But I took a deep breath and walked up to the top of the stairs, looking down at the hundreds of men and women dancing. Swaying together in each other's arms. Suits, bow ties, beautiful ball gowns. But most of all masks, masks on everyone, not a single soul was maskless even the staff and violinists had masks on.

One by one the dancer's heads began to look in the same direction. Even the men around the room halted their conversations to see what had eyes so fixed and then I realised they were all looking at me.

It seemed I was late to the party, thanks for that Lucas.

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