Marketing Class with Jordan White

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I walk into my Marketing class, and Jordan isn't there yet. I go to my assigned seat and I start to log into the computer and do the bell ringer on the board.

As I'm doing my work, I notice Jordan walking in and she sits her stuff down.

Jordan is 17 years old. She has blonde hair with black tips at the end of her hair. She's very pretty, sweet, caring and one of the people you would want in your life.

"Hey, bae." I say while looking at her

"Hey, How was your weekend?"

"Oh.... You know.... Same old... Sleep... League of Legends... Sleep."

"What you get this time?"

"30/0. Bruh I'm doing awesome!"

"Yeah," Jordan says to me while smiling then she sits down beside me and starts her bell ringer and I start to work in photoshop on an "Energy Drink."

As we were both working on our energy drink, I wanted to do something a little different. I wanted to have mine as powerful as it could be. With the taste of pineapple and coconut mixed with lime. It would have that sweet flavor to it, making you want more of the drink. Then after at least 5 sips of the drink, you can feel the caffeine kicking in.

The way I would design mine, would be with a comic book look. Having all the dots and what not. Then the theme would be of course, Tropical. But the colors would be red, white and black.

I look over at Jordan's "Energy Drink," and I see her working on a drink called "Volume," and I start to smile.

My "Energy Drink," is called "Pow, Pow!" I finished my assignment and noticed Jordan waiting for me. We both start to laugh.

Jordan's POV

I watched and waited for Hazel to finish. We talk and laughed at each other.

"Hazel, oh my. I'm so done with you. What even is this?" I say laughing at the video she showed me.

"Pew, Pew!" She says while making a gun with her fingers.

Hazel's POV

We talk and laugh until the bell rings for everyone to be dismissed for our next class.

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