
15 1 0

April 16th, 2013

The next morning, I got a text from Ashton, reminding me that tomorrow is the day we go to Ireland. I totally forgot all about it! I then head to the bathroom and take a  quick shower, I then turned on my straightener after I was done with my shower, then I started to figure out what I was going to wear today. I then started to wear my panda hoodie, with jogger pants and panda flats on! My dad told me I was allowed to go over to his house today so I can finish up cleaning. I then started to go into my closet and I got my suitcase which were 2 zebra suitcase I placed them on the bed and I started packing. 

I started to pack my dress first, that was in a plastic bag, so I don't ruin it, I then start to place all my other close on top of it, and put my shoes in the other suitcase. As I was finished, I looked at the time, and it only took me 45 minutes to get my things. I smiled and headed towards the bathroom. I then started to straighten my hair and I started to go natural today. I was going to my dads, there was no point of putting makeup on at all. 

I then went back into my room when I was finished straightening my hair and I took my suitcases and I placed it on the bottom of the steps. I then go over to the coat hanger near the door and grab my keys and I started to head towards my car, then I started to drive over to my dad's house. 

As I made it to my dad's house, Marylin opened the door and smiled at me, "Come on in Hazel," I thanked her as I stepped inside, "Marylin, do you mind if you give me a bucket filled with hot water with floor cleaner inside of it?" "No, I don't mind Hazel, follow me," I then started to follow her into the kitchen, I sat down in front of the island that was in the middle of the kitchen, I didn't notice how big this kitchen was until now.

"You know, your father is happy that you're willing to stay with him whenever you like," Marylin says as she's filling up the hot water in the bucket, " Well, it has been 11 years since I didn't see my father," I sighed and I looked up at her, Marylin was beautiful as she could be, if only my mother looked as good as her, "I know, your father told me that he tried to spend time with you, but your mother kept you as far as possible from him, your father is a good man." Marylin looked at me with her warm blue eyes. I nodded my head and agreed. I knew he was a good father, it's just my mother told me things that doesn't even fit him. My mother just wanted me to be angry with him. I wasn't angry with him at all, I was angry that the fact that my junkie mother kept me away from him.

"Here you go Haze," Marylin said to me and smiled at me, "Will you be staying for dinner," I shook my head, "No, but thank you for the offer, I have to wake up early in the morning," Marylin smiled at me and turned her back towards me, and started to cook in the kitchen. I started to head upstairs with the bucket of water and I noticed my father wasn't here, I didn't mind, all I was doing was going to clean the spare room I can stay in. I made it to the spare room, and set the bucket down, near the window; away from the door way and I started cleaning the floors, I don't know why, but I always liked cleaning the floors the old fashioned way. Instead of using a mop or a automatic cleaner, I liked going on my hands and knees and cleaned the floors. It's better that why I believed.

I was half way down with cleaning the floors, and I noticed the water was getting very dirty, I got up and I started to take the bucket with me, and headed to the bathroom across the hall from the spare room, I then emptied the dirty water in the toilet and flushed it down. I then headed downstairs with the bucket in my hand, and I noticed Marylin wasn't in the kitchen, I was confused at first but shook that off. I headed towards the sink she filled the bucket with water at, and I grabbed the floor cleaner at the bottom of the sink, and I started to refill the water and I headed upstairs.

I then started to finish the floors and I did what I did before, I flushed the dirty water in the toilet and I started to heading downstairs towards the kitchen, as I made it towards the kitchen, I noticed that Marylin was cooking again, but she prepared dinner a little bit slower, I walked over and placed the bucket under the sink, and I was confused and wondered if she was ok.

"Marylin, are you ok?" I walk over to her slowly, she shoots up and she turns around towards me and smiles, "Honey, I'm fine, I'm just feeling a little sick," She starts to look at her stomach and sighs, I widen my eyes and cock my head to the side, "Ma'm, are you having a baby!" I say with excitement, and she then looks up at me, smiles and nods her head. "Yes, I am, Your father and I wanted to have a child for so long now, I'm hoping it's a boy," She says as she rubs her stomach slightly, "When are you do?" I say in a concerned matter, "I believe I'm due in January," She says to me with a smile on her face. I then hug her tight and I leave the kitchen, "Congratulations on the baby!" I say to her as I'm walking out, "I'll see you later!" I say, I start to head out the door and I start to drive home. 

As I make it home, I start to make myself a grilled cheese sandwich. After I ate, I headed upstairs and I started to take a shower before bed. I then started to put my hair into a messy bun and I began to study in the medical book, as I felt sleepy, I started to get a text from Calum.

Calum: I love you Hazel, I'm sorry I really didn't talk to you today, I was busy packing. I'll see you tomorrow at Ashton's.

I smiled and I texted him back...

Me: I love you too Calum, It's ok, I was busy too. I'll see you tomorrow. 

I then turned on my alarm to wake me up for tomorrow and I started to close my eyes and fall alseep. 

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