ϟ22: OH MY GODϟ

Start from the beginning

"The better to hear you with, dear," Hermione growled, enjoying her part as the wolf.

"What big eyes you have, Grandmother," Rhea said in tones of shock, modulating her voice perfectly.

"The better to see you with, dear," Hermione snarled.

"Stop it!" Ron shuddered.

"But what big mouth you have grandmother." Rhea trilled in surprise, dramatically covering her mouth.

"The better to eat you with!" Hermione roared, and pretended to attack Rhea. She squealed and went still in her chair, pretending to be dead.

"Oh my Merlin!" Charlie gasped. "Did she die? Just like that?"

Whether Little Red Riding Hood did die or not, Charlie never knew, for suddenly the tent shone with bright light.

The patronus floated into the tent, and Kingsley's voice spoke:

The Ministry has fallen. Scrimgeour is dead. They're coming.

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"Banana Fritters," Rhea said breathlessly to the Fat Lady (Elizabeth was her name). She gave Rhea a very offended look. "Good morning to you too," she sniffed, opening the door, apparently still miffed that Rhea had woken her up while she had headed out for a jog.

The common Room was almost empty except for a few seventh and sixth years, who were busy studying. She passed by them silently and walked up to the girls' dormitory. As soon as she entered her dorm she was met with a glaring Marlene and a disapproving Mary.

"About time," Marlene grumbled under her breath, careful not to wake Lily. "Couldn't you have skipped it today?"

"I know, I'm sorry," Rhea sighed. "But if I skip once, I'll start skipping every day." Rhea slumped into her bed, looking over at Lily to check if she was awake.

Marlene rolled her eyes, and Mary just laughed softly. "She sleeps like the dead," Mary told Rhea, referring to Lily. Rhea shuddered, which went unnoticed.

"Even if McGonagall yells at her to wake up, she won't," Mary continued. Then she brightened, as though struck with a brilliant idea.

"Ms Evans!" Mary said commandingly, sounding eerily like McGonagall. Rhea and Marlene tried to shush her, but Mary ignored them. "Ms Evans, get up! The Transfiguration test is due in five minutes! Get up!"

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