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"Alright Lauren, school tomorrow. Don't be late." Officer Harry says as he gets out of the car and opens my door unlocking the cuffs from my wrist.

"I'll be there." I tell him, putting on my leather jacket and stepping into my trailer.

You must be wondering who I am, and what I'm doing in the back of a cop car. Well things in my life aren't so easy ever since I tried to rob a liquor store when I was 13. I was on the most wanted list forever, Officer Harry was on my ass for my whole life. My parents died when I was young so it was just me. I'd get kicked out of every foster home so I chose to be in juvie instead. I'm 18 now and a senior in highschool. I live in a small town out in the western. School wasn't so easy for me since I'm in and out of juvie and jail, sometimes even prison. But of course school wasn't one of my biggest things I was worried about.

I don't have much friends since every person I try talking to will shit in their pants. I never know why, is it cause i'm hot or cause i'm a badass? People know not to mess with me, they think I killed someone. I'm not a killer. I'm more like 'I see, i want, i get' type, so like a thief i guess.

It's currently a sunday and I just got off my time in juvie. Every friday, saturday and sunday i have to do my time in juvie. Meaning that tomorrow is school! Sucks right. Officer Harry has been understanding with me lately, he's probably my only friend. He drops me off at juvie and also picks me up. He knows when i'm in trouble and is there to put me back into the cuffs. Lots of the town officers hate me for causing trouble, even every parent in town hates me. Which is another reason i don't have friends. I'm too much of a bad influence but i don't mean to cause trouble. You can't really change that now so i stay the cold hearted self i am.

knock knock

I hear the door of my trailer being knocked, i barely heard it since i've been deep in thought half of the time.

I opened the door to reveal Normani, another friend of mine. I met her in one of my foster homes, but she got adopted after her parents died in a fire. That was my only home I'd like. Before the other woman was going to adopt me as well but I was put into a cell for a month so I wasn't an option anymore. I still keep in touch with Ally (the mother of normani) She still treats me like her own. Whenever i'm around which isn't really often.

"Hey Mani whats up?" I asked her as I let her into my trailer that was nicely clean but had a few bottles of beer and water bottles on my small coffee table.

"I just came to check in on you... i have news about camila!" Normani says excitedly.


"Normani, I told you I'm not interested anymore." I lied to her, i take out the water from the refrigerator and hand it to her.

"I know I know but what if i tell you that she might be your tutor." She whispers.

"I mean that would be- wait why do i need a tutor!?" I tell her realizing i needed a tutor.

"Lauren we both know your grades aren't so great..." Normani states.

"You try going in and out of jail." I mumble.

"Oh right, how was juvie today??" Normani asks causally.

"Same old same old, oh i got a new tattoo." I tell her lifting up my shirt to show 'broken' on my toned abs. It was small and written in cursive.

"Suprigly that's nice. Better than that cross on your neck." She tells me chuckling.

"Eh, I like both of them equally. And you know i can't take off that cross for the safety of my life." I told her while drinking a water, to be honest the cross on my neck is the only tattoo i regret the most.

We talked for another hour until Ally called Normani to get back home. Normani took an uber here so i told her i'll drive her back since it was past 8 already. She never really liked my motorcycle but it's better than an uber.

She hopped onto my old school black motorcycle as I passed her a helmet and we hit the road.

Arriving at Normanis house.

"Thanks for the ride." Normani says as she hops off my bike and hands me the helmet.

"Any time, tell Ally I said hey." I say to Normani and wave goodbye before going back onto the road.

Once i got back into the trailer i couldn't help but wonder if what Normani said was true. Camila is the only girl I actually have eyes for, I turned down so many cheerleaders just for her. I may hook up with them here and there but it was never anything official. I never really have the balls to talk to her but when I do I'm usually rude. Camila has all the football boys and basketball girls going after her. There is no way I have a chance. We do have a few moments like eye contact and it's just the best. Camila came out bi and she kinda went popular but before that i liked Camila.

Camila is usually found in the library where I sometimes go and just stare at her beauty. Her best friend is Dinah, my co-worker at the car dealership. Dinah and Camila are Juniors but Dinah and Normani sorta have a thing but me and Dinah don't have bad blood. Dinah understands me and knows what i go through so i guess i can also say she's my friend.

Camila turns down every guy and girl because they're not her 'type' Normani says but that only makes me wonder more,

What is her type?


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