11; Only FRIENDS.

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Bakugou jolted awake, panting.

He quickly glanced at his clock then at his date, lying naked,under a blanket beside him.

"Mmm... Are you okay, Katsuki?" the boy asked, half-asleep.

"Yeah, Hun. Go to sleep." the blonde sighed.

He watched the guy drift back off to sleep before he put his head between his knees and sighed in frustration. 

Damn... What was that? The blonde thought, as he recalled the dream he just had...

The dream was mostly about Izuku and Bakugou, together as a couple... but Midoriya was a normal human being. 

After taking in what he had dreamt about, Katsuki stood up, out of bed and walked to the bathroom to check on the boy.

The blonde unlocked the door with the key he had left on the counter, and walked in silently. 

It was dark, so he used his phone's flashlight. He soon spotted Izuku, sleeping in the bathtub, under multiple blankets, facing towards the blonde. Bakugou couldn't help but smile...

But as he crouched down, he noticed the tears at the corner of the greenette's eyes. That caused the blonde's smile to quickly fade. 

As the tall male brushed away the tears, the boy opened his eyes and started at Bakugou.

"Sorry... I didn't want to wake you. Thank you for staying in here... you're a good friend, Deku. You want a hug?" the blonde asked, opening his arms wide... But Izuku simply frowned and flipped over, to face the opposite way.  

"Deku? You don't wanna hug?" Katsuki asked once more... but Midoriya just let out a growl. 

"... Okay... sorry to bother you..." Bakugou mumbled, as he closed his flashlight and walked back out the room, closing the door behind him.

Izuku whimpered as he let a few tears fall onto the blankets. It wasn't fair. Bakugou cuddled with total strangers, yet he never wanted to cuddle with him! Of course, he was just offered a hug, but Midoriya wasn't in the mood to touch, speak, or see Bakugou at the moment. He just wanted to be alone.

Bakugou crawled back into bed, making sure not to touch his 'friend'. 

The man in bed watched as he slid under the covers, only to hug the blonde after he was installed. 

"Mm... Last night... was awesome." he whispered in Katsuki's ear.

"... Yeah. Whatever. Go to sleep. I want you gone in the morning before someone walks in on us." Bakugou ordered, earning a giggled form his partner.

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