8; Going Back Home.

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"Where's Deku?" Bakugou asked, getting tired of waiting.

"Sir, I told you already, Midoriya is doing a polygraph test with Mr.Yagi right now, he'll be out in a few  minutes." Kaoruko Awata claimed, as she scribbled down on a piece of paper.

"But it's been hours! You've been saying he'd be out in a few minutes for hours now! Can you at least go check on him, please?" Katsuki begged.

"I'm sorry, Bakugou. I'm not allowed to disturb my boss while he's testing people..." she stated, pushing back a strand of her blue hair behind her ear.

Katsuki sighed and plopped down in his chair.

Suddenly, Toshinori ran in, shaking his hand and groaning.

"That creature is a danger to society. It bit me, and we got it locked up..." he said, talking on the phone. 

"Sir! Are you alright-" Kaoruko started, but was cut off by Katsuki standing up quickly.

"Deku didn't bite you. He's too damn sweet for that. Stop faking it, moron. Wipe away that doodle from your hand, it's apparently some ink you tried to fake as a bitemark." Bakugou snickered.

"What? Yagi would never lie!" the bluette argued.

"Young Bakugou, if you want proof, go see down Isle seven, the last door to the right. He's locked up in there. I swear, Awata, he threw himself at me and started to scr-" the man continued his story while Katsuki rushed out. It was easy to find Isle seven. Since there were signs everywhere. Once he got there, the blonde looked inside the window to the last room on the right. Izuku was lying on the ground in there, shaking and tied up to the wall by handcuffs and shackles.

"Deku..." Bakugou mumbled as he tried to open the door. Nothing worked. The door was locked.

Growls were heard from the inside of the room, which was unusual, since Izuku never growled unless he's scared or angry. 

Bakugou banged in the door, making the greenette pounce up.

His eyes were light green, almost as if they were lit up. He seemed mad, and was growling at everything, or everyone. 

"Bakugou!" the blonde heard from his left. Awata was running towards him. 

"He... he's lying, blueberry! Deku... this isn't like him! That boss of yours did something to him!" Katsuki argued. 

Suddenly, a shriek was heard from the inside of the room. Midoriya was at the end of his shackles, trying to break free. He then started to lick the skin around the cuffs. 

"Metal... he doesn't like it." Katsuki stated.

 "Change the cuffs!" the blonde yelled.

"I'm sorry, but we don't have anymore material but metal..." Kaoruko said, still panting from the run. 

"Poor Deku..." 

Katsuki was invited to stay until they would find a remedy for what Izuku was going through. 

So the blonde stayed a few days.

But after multiple night of shrieking and screaming, Bakugou couldn't handle it.

Izuku was in pain, scared, and probably hurt. Katsuki wasn't going to let that slide.

After a few nights, the blonde snuck out of his room and went down Isle seven, right to the room where Midoriya was locked up. 

He knew the lock of the door now, since he had watched Yagi and Awata do it a lot.

As the blonde composed the number, the door unlocked, only earning a growl from inside the dark room.

"Deku?" Bakugou asked, lighting up the flashlight on his phone.

"It's me..." the boy continued, flashing towards the greenette, making him shriek.

"What have they done to you..?" Katsuki asked, crouching in front of him.

Izuku stared at him, hesitating, if he should attack or not.

"K...K...Ka-" he stuttered.

"It's me... Ka-"

"KACCHAN!" Izuku whimpered as he threw himself at the end of his shackles, trying to get to the blonde.

Bakugou nearly dropped his phone as he quickly scooted closer, in range so Midoriya could cuddle him... and he did. 

"Kacchan...." Izuku continued to cry.

"Shh... Shh..." Bakugou consoled.

"It's okay..." 

"I'm going to get you out of here, okay?" "Kacchan! Yag... Yagi hurt Deku!" the greenette whimpered.

"I know... " Bakugou suddenly realized he didn't have the keys for the shackles or cuffs.

"Ding-Dings are there...." Izuku said, pointing beside he door, where the keys were hung up.

"Ding-Dings... Thanks Deku!" Bakugou exclaimed, as he went to get the keys and tried to unlock the shackles. They got off in less than fifteen minutes, but no key matched the cuffs. 

Since Izuku was still free, they ran out, and went out to the road.

Midoriya kept licking the metal around his wrists as Bakugou called a Taxi.

Soon, the yellow car came by and picked them up.

"Where to?" the driver asked.

"Kyoto." Bakugou answered.

And they were off. Going back home.

So yeah... My friend is the one who encouraged me to write some more...

So here I am. Writing some more. She told me she liked my story and she wouldn't stop bugging me to write the next chapter...I got annoyed and wrote it.  Oh well! :)


To My Friend; YOU HAPPY NOW?!?! XD

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