1; First Encounter

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Hey there! Thank you so much for clicking on this Bakudeku Fanfiction! Before we begin: If you are not into gay things, then this story is not for you. This story was inspired from two characters from the anime: My Hero Academia (Izuku Midoriya & Katsuki Bakugou). Enjoy, and don't forget to vote and comment!

-Sucky Author

May 7th

Katsuki Bakugou, a 19 year old teen walked around town. It was only 2 o'clock in the afternoon, so it was warm outside. Yet, the blonde still wore his leather jacket. 

People looked at him differently, because of his style, but it didn't bother him.

He walks around town every day, so he's used to it.

Everything was going normal, until someone came out of a shop and bumped into him. 

Katsuki took out his earphones and turned around to the person he had just hit.

"Sorry Man... I didn't see you there!" The red headed boy said. Bakugou sighed. He knew that person. Eijirou Kirishima. He was his friend for a while now, and he was always bumping into things. Bakugou sighed once again and therefore kept walking. 

"Hey, what's up?" Eijirou asked as he ran up to the tall blonde.

"Nothing. Go away." Bakugou said.

Kirishima stopped in his tracks and let the blonde leave. 

"Mood-Killer." the red head whispered, before he turned around and started to walk towards where he had to be.

Bakugou hummed to the music as he kept walking. 

It had been an hour now, and he was tired of walking. Just as he turned the corner, to the street where he lived, another individual bumped into him, but fell on the ground.

Bakugou, once again, pulled his earphones out, this time, way more angry.

"What the hell is your problem-" he started to yell, but stopped when he noticed what was lying on the ground in front of him. It was a human... at least it looked like it, but it had a pale greenish skin, green hair, sharp teeth, dark green eyes, and his ears looked like fish fins. All it was wearing was an old, ripped, grey T-shirt, and he was whimpering.

"Woah.... What are you?" Katsuki asked, with a smirk as he bent down in front of it, making it squirm away and growl, showing it's teeth once again.

"It's okay... I won't hurt you. You're hurt!" Bakugou exclaimed as he saw the cut on it's arm. 

The blonde reached out for it, but nearly got snapped, when it tried to bite him.

Of course, Katsuki was supposed to be scared by it, but since he was little, he always believed different species would exist.

"It's okay..." he whispered as he tried to get closer, but all the thing did was scoot away and growl, sometimes whimpering too.

When Bakugou felt he was close enough, he swooped in and grabbed it's arm, causing it to scream and growl as it tried to run away.

"HEY STOP!" Bakugou orderded. 

And it did. It stopped squirming and screaming, but it still whimpered little hums as it watched Katsuki check him out.

"What happened? Come on, I'll bring you to my place. If someone else sees you, they'll freak and the police will shoot you or some shit." Bakugou said as he helped the little creature up.

It wasn't tall. Only about 5'5 feet tall. 

Katsuki gave him his jacket and helped him sneak into his apartment block.

The blonde opened his apartment door and welcomed him inside.

At first, it was hesitant, but soon ran inside, sniffing around like a puppy.

Then, it turned around and hummed happily.

"Alright, come here. I'll wrap that up for you." Bakugou signed, pointing at his injured arm.

The green haired boy cheerfully walked back to the blonde and sat on the ground in front of the sofa, where Katsuki was sitting. 

The blonde wrapped up the injury then backed up, taking the leather jacket off the boy's shoulders. 

It seemed intrigued by everything Bakugou did. "What's your name?" the tall boy asked, leaning back closed to the greenette. But all the thing did was reach out and play with blonde's ears. "Hey, stop that. What's your name?" Bakugou asked again, pulling the hand away.

The thing brought it's gills down a little bit and stared at Katsuki with big eyes, apparently confused. The look made Katsuki shiver and blush.

"Name. I'm Katsuki..." the blonde continued, trying to sign his words for the thing to understand.

"Kacchan!" It let out, in a squeak as it pointed at the blonde.

"No,no. Katsuki." 

"Kaaaaaacchan!" It cheered.

"Ok. Alright. I'm... Kacchan. Now you're...?" Bakugou tried to speak slowly.

"Izuku Midoriya! Deku!" It squealed.

"Izuku Midoriya... Deku? Is Deku your nickname?" Bakugou asked.

But Izuku just looked at him confused.

"Alright, I'll call you Deku. Now... maybe we should get you in a bath." Katsuki said, getting up and walking to the bathroom.

Izuku followed him, a little crouched.

After a while, Katsuki had filled the bath with warm water. He then looked to his right and signed his new roommate to come in. The greenette looked around as he slowly walked in, huming curiously as he approached Bakugou.

Once Midoriya spotted the water, he stared at it for a long time.

"It's water, look." Katsuki said as he splashed some around in the tub.

Suddenly, Izuku shrieked and backed up quickly.

"HEY! IT'S OKAY! IT WON'T HURT YOU!" Bakugou said, as he slowly walked towards the scared boy.

"Mm..." Izuku whimpered, shaking his head in a sign that he wanted nothing to do with this liquid.

"We have to get you in this, okay? You stink!" Katsuki giggled as he pulled the terriffied boy next to the tub again.

But the boy shrieked once more and baked off, growling at Katsuki.

"Uh... What am I going to do with you?"

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