🕺🏽 kinky 🕺🏽

Start from the beginning

"Jeez, dude you have a death grip," I say rubbing my neck and glancing at him, he stares at me still and brings a hand up to his head wound.

"Don't touch me." He grunts, I snort and stare at him,  remembering his back.

"I have to do your back, so I'm going to need you to take off your shirt and turn around," I say meeting his eyes.

"I can do it myself," He says lowly staring at me.

"No just let me-"

"I said I'll do it!" He says raising his voice, I flinch back at his raised tone, but the blood on his back and shirt urge me to stand my ground.

Scared he would wake up the kids, I punch him in the arm.

"I know you're not yelling at me! Now unless you have a third arm growing out of your back I suggest you listen to me. And I don't see a third arm you big baby." I say sternly, scared at my own tone. He looks at me flabbergasted still not moving.

"Dude I'm not going to jump your bones ok? I mean unless you ask me to." He looks at me with raised eyebrows, while I realize what I had just said. "Ah sorry, stupid joke. I didn't mean it."


He gazes at me before turning and taking off his shirt. When I see his back I barely contain my gasp, huge burn scars littered his back.

I resist the urge to touch them before quickly composing myself and tending to the bite. I grab an alcohol wipe and barely touch it before he hisses and flinches away.

I snorted before grabbing bandages, grasping his arm, and wrapping his shoulder. He tenses at my touch before relaxing slightly. I finish quickly before he moves to put his clothes back on.

"Wait," I say before grabbing his hand, he looks at my hand and then glares at me.

"I'll go see if they have some new clothes for you." I retract my hand quickly, walking towards the hallway, I see Jayhun talking to Eunhyuk. Walking over to them they both look at me and the katana man hands me a stack of black clothing.

"For that man when he wakes up," he says looking at me, I blink at him blankly before grabbing them.

"Mind-mind reader," I say with wide eyes, he blinks looking at me confused.

"Wh-what?" I was about to respond before Eunhyuk interrupts.

"We have things to discuss so when the man does wake up, come to the office and bring him. Okay?" He says while walking away.

"So is he like the leader?" I query turning towards Jayhun. 

"Yeah some people aren't happy about it, but he hasn't killed us just yet." He says playfully, before looking down the hallway.

I peer down as well, Suyeong and Yeongsu looking around before they spot me and run down.

"Jin! That man was sitting on the bed awake, just looking at the door, he was kind of creeping us out so we ran out to look for you." Yeongsu said while grabbing my hand.

"It's ok, I promise. He's not a bad man, but I totally understand that he creeped you out. All he does is stare." I said as a shiver ran down my spine.

"Hey kiddos, are you hungry?" Katana man asks, looking at the kids.

       "Um yeah," Suyeong said standing more behind me.

"If you want I could take them down to the cafeteria." He says looking at me, this man seems like a good man but that's how they all are.

"Uh you know-" I start before Jinsu skips towards us.

"Hey guys are you coming down to the cafeteria? I know we have a meeting in a little while but what about the kids?" She asks crouching down looking at the kids that were behind my legs.

I turn around and look at the kids, "Hey do you guys want to go with them to get some food?"

They look at each other before looking at me and nodding.

"I will deal with the man, and if it's not too much can you guys take them to get some food? Kids, you listen to them and do not leave them for anything ok?" I warn softly.

They nod before walking with Jinsu and Jayhun, which for the record I ship it hard.

Walking back into the room from before, I see the man now standing looking outside.

"Hey I have the clothes," I say while walking towards him and handing him the clothes. He looks at me before smirking, holy was he smirking?

"You gonna turn around babe?" he teases while smirking and looking at me. 

My knees almost give out, as my face turns a deep shade of red.

"Oh uh- I mean- yeah- uh yeah I- I'll go- I uh yeah," I say walking quickly out of the room.

Closing the door behind me and leaning on it, I cover my face with my hands and breath deeply, why did he- uh why did he suddenly—

I stop my thought train remembering the first time I met him when I changed pants. That's what I said to him, ugh I just totally made a fool of myself.

The door swings open, causing me to fall backward. I feel a hand on my shoulder and one on my waist hoisting me upright.

I flinch away from the hands and turn around quickly, the man stands there in clean, black clothes.

I mean I wouldn't mind taking a bite- wait no stop.

"Ha sorry, you uh you change quickly," I laugh nervously and rub the back of my neck.

"We have a meeting right now but if you're hungry we could go get some food," I say while looking everywhere but his face.

when he doesn't answer I look up at him and see he was just staring at me. My eye twitched with annoyance pulsing through my body.

"You know I think you have a staring problem, or maybe I remind you of someone but I doubt you know anyone as beautiful as me," I say flipping my hair jokingly and chuckling.

He just stares at me more, before I turn and walk down the hallway, annoyed at his stupid face.

"Are you coming down to the cafeteria?" I asked tilting my head, he stares some more before walking towards me and standing next to me.

"Alright then let's go chatterbox," I say while walking in the direction that Jinsu and Jayhun walked off in.

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