The duo was sitting at a table at the Three Broomsticks and chatting about anything that rushed through their minds, it felt so right.
They would tease each other, laugh and even talk about serious topics, which weren't exactly the most common among them all. Suddenly, the door of the pub bursted open and a very angry looking Kendrick sprinted towards Eloise's and James's table. The brown haired furiously looked at the girl, who had a puzzling expression on her face for she wasn't understanding his odd behavior.
"So, this is why you hadn't been with me these past few months, huh?!" He yelled, anger boiling inside of him as if it was pure fire, and he harshly gripped ahold of the girl's forearms.
Eloise hissed in pain as Kendrick tightened his grasp.
"You chose him over me!" He shouted again and she was sure as hell he was giving her bruises all over her already scarred skin.
"Hey, leave her alone!" Barked James, angrily, concern for his friend taking the best of him.
Kendrick let go of Lunar and lunged on the raven haired, punching him hard on the cheekbone. Prongs growled under his breath as a drop of blood fell on the wooden floor.
Then, he turned back around and his fist hardly met the slytherin's nose.
Eloise took a step back and quickly pulled her wand out of her pocket, aiming at the two fighting.
"Immobilus" she chanted and they stopped moving immediately.
The blond separated them and stood before James, after she had de-spelled them.
"I didn't choose him over you, Kendrick," she tilted her head, her blood boiling, "you weren't even an option."
And with that, Eloise dragged James away from the scene and towards the common room, where she had seated him on an armchair and she knelt opposite him with a worried expression.
"Are you alright?" She questioned and examined his face, blood streaming from a scratch on his cheekbone and from his nose.
"Brilliant" Prongs sarcastically replied and the both of them chuckled slightly.
"You shouldn't have done that"
An heavy sigh escaped her rosy lips shakily and she hid her trembling hands in her pockets, she was most likely having a panic attack, which happened every time one of her friends were injured because of her.

"Eloise, he's alright, don't worry" Remus tried to reassure his sister, who was pacing back and forth in front of the Hospital Wing.
Eloise knew James wasn't alright, she had injured him pretty badly during the full moon and he had been asleep for three days. Madam Pomfrey had mentioned that he was going to be alright, though wounds caused by a werewolf's claws might take longer to heal and get over. El felt so bad for hurting James, he was only there to try and help his friends and what did she do? She hurt him.
Her breathe began becoming heavier and heavier by the second and her hands could no longer stay still, for they kept trembling. Her vision quickly blurred and all she could see was pitch black. Her ears seemed to not work anymore or not correctly anyway.
She could hear the echo of her brother's voice, asking if she was alright. Like hell she was! Her mind raced and made her memories from the night before pop in her head.

"Eloise!" Worried James and she snapped her head to spare a glance at him.
His hands were wrapped around hers gently, trying to stop them from shaking; his eyes were strictly locked with hers, which were somewhat teary.
"Are you alright?" He questioned again, intertwining his fingers with hers.
"Y-yeah, I'm alright"
Eloise looked back at his face and smiled softly, "You should have Pomfrey look into that"
James grinned as well and squeezed her hands, acknowledging she was trying to escape from him and close within herself in order to put all the blame on her. Though he wasn't going to let her do that.
"No, I believe I'm just fine staying here with you" he smirked slightly and she rolled her eyes, "What was the matter with Greengrass anyway? He's know, your boyfriend, is he?"
Lunar clicked her tongue and inhaled before sitting on the arm of the armchair where James was sat.
"No, I don't really understand what made him think we were...something" she shrugged her shoulders.
"Were you?"
James didn't even understand why he cared so much about it, she was his best friend and he worried about her. Though, he just had to urge to ensure she was always alright and he feared that the ones she ended up with didn't quite understand her. That they didn't understand her like Prongs himself did.
"Thankfully not" Eloise exclaimed and let a giggle escape her pursed lips, causing him to look at her with a grin.
The portrait hole swung open and McGonagall barged inside, her ears fuming. She fixed her eyes on the duo and narrowed her eyes at them.
"You two!" She almost yelled, "Mr Greengrass had just come to tell me how you two had managed to injure him very badly!"
Lunar quickly stood up, her blood boiling, he said what?! She thought.
James got up as well and immediately noticed his friend tensing up, therefore he gripped her hand and squeezed it again.
"You are deep in trouble, Mr Potter and Miss Lupin!" Spoke the Head of their house again, disappoint filling her tone.
"But Professor-"
"No buts, Miss Lupin! You two will clean the entire ground for two months without your wands!"
And with that, Minerva stormed out the common room.
James tried to stop Lunar from leaving the room as well, though she was indeed stronger than him if she wanted to and didn't think twice before speeding to the place where she knew Kendrick was going to be at. And in fact, he was. His back was against a tree and two friends of his were seated on his sides.
Kendrick noticed her approaching and stood up, thinking she was there to apologize. His lips curled upwards, though that was so not the reason why she had come there.
Once she was close enough, she heightened her hand and harshly slapped him across the face, making him stumble back and his friends quickly helped him stand up again. Eloise was about to lunge herself forward but two pairs of strong arms stopped her.
"You utter piece of shit!" She spat at him and succeeded in freeing herself from those arms, pinning Kendrick against a tree.
He cried in pain and fear, while her ears fumed and her blood boiled.
"Now, you go to McGonagall and explain exactly what happened at the Three Broomsticks, understand?" She barked and Kendrick stayed silent, "SAY YOU UNDERSTAND!"
"Y-yeah, I-I understand!"
Eloise neared her face to his ear, so that only he would've heard her words.
"You tell her what I had just done and I'll do more than just a slap, got it, Greengrass?" She then let go of him and smiled softly.
Lunar turned around and saw who had tried to pull her back, it was her brother and Sirius.
Remus shook his head in disapproval, while the other gave her thumbs up. She knew it wasn't exactly the right thing, scaring someone to tell the truth, though he had it coming and RJ might be as pissed as you want but he'll understand. Eloise knew that.

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