Chapter Two

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Sitting in a taxi for the first time was surprisingly exciting! Or... was Lumine just easily excited?

Maybe both, he decided as the car pulled into their new neighborhood. Trying to sit still, Lumine stared out the window anxiously, wondering which house he would be staying at for the next several months. The car slowly pulled to a halt.

"Is that house ours?" Lumine asked his dad excitedly.

"Mhm," He responded, taking out his wallet to pay the driver.

Lumine hastily unbuckled his seatbelt and rushed out the car door, forgetting his bag in the process. Looking up at the house, Lumine felt a rush of excitement. It was relatively unassuming- not large, not small, and painted in a simple, off-white. It reminded Lumine of the houses he'd see in the background of every TV show. His dad walked up behind him, handing Lumine his forgotten bag.

"I'll let you explore a bit first, but remember to help me bring the boxes inside when the movers get here." He said in a tired voice.

Lumine nodded, eager to discover what the inside of the house looked like. His dad gave a small nod and unlocked the door.

Stepping inside, Lumine was surprised at how empty it looked. Then, he quickly felt silly for being surprised. Of course it was empty, no one lived there!

His dad stepped back outside to bring more bags in the house, and Lumine began wandering around. He walked into the main area of the house, spotting a door and immediately opening it.

Slightly disappointed to discover it was only an empty room with no windows, he moved onto the rest of the house.

Lumine made his way into the kitchen, opening a few drawers and cabinets in hopes of finding something interesting. After failing to find anything but dust and a lone thumb-tack, Lumine was starting to come to the conclusion that maybe new houses weren't all as exciting as movies made them out to be.

This was boring... maybe he would find something more exciting on the upper floor of the house!

After exploring about two rooms upstairs, Lumine was beginning to wonder where he would sleep. He opened a door, and stepped inside.

The room was split into two sections by a loft a few feet above his head, accessed by a ladder. Sunlight streamed in through the large windows, filling the room with brightness missing from the rest of the house. Lumine knew at once that it was perfect. He started instinctively planning where all of his things would go- and then remembered how many of his belongings were still in Terranevo.

He'd have to start over from scratch. Well, he'd still get to decorate the room at some point! Lumine started to climb onto the loft when-


Hearing the call, Lumine quickly made his way downstairs to see what was going on. His father met him halfway down the steps.

"Movers got here, help me bring everything inside."

His heart dropping slightly at the thought of the chore, Lumine followed his father outside.

While it Lasted (Lumine Highschool AU) Where stories live. Discover now