Malina froze.


The day had gotten dark and the only source of illumination for their room was from a candle, its light flickered with the night breeze that swayed outside. The cold night air found its way in through the little window opposite the table.
Each time it was close to been quenched, it would ignite again fuller than it was before only to repeat the same action as though it succumbed to the wind's power which logically it did.

Two figures sat quietly at the table, one had both hands clasped and resting on the table while the other had her palm resting on her temple as she was lost in deep thought and the other hand firmly rested on her stomach feeling the life that moved within.

Since the moment she had gotten the information that not only ripped at her heart but shredded it to pieces, she had been quiet letting the flame do the speaking.

Cyane watched Malina keenly, she could make out her swollen eyes each time the light burned to its brightest and casted its glory in the room.
Malina's eyes stood out the most for her since it had been two hours she had stopped crying.

She didn't cry the moment Cyane had told her but she broke down the moment they had gone inside and her cries lasted for a long time with Cyane who also offered her shoulder for comfort.

"I hate him so much" Malina spoke breaking the silence that had enveloped the dimly room

"I do too"

"He knew he was a wolf and still led me on"


"Keeping this child was my decision and I would stand by it"

"You do know that the chances of you dying are very high" The candle light burned very bright at this moment.

"I know but I'm willing to try"

"Malina I can't.." The candle light had now gone dim once again

"Cyane, this is what I want"

There was nothing else for Cyane to say, Malina had already made up her mind and she couldn't persuade her no matter how much she would try. There was still time to get rid of the baby but that all depended on if Malina wanted it but her response had told her otherwise.

Cyane reached out to Malina's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze,"If that's what you want, then we will find another way" to which Malina gave her a slight nod.

Then little breeze whipped through and fluttered both their hairs and in so doing the light went out.


The slow music filled the dining hall as the nobles dined, the clinking of spoons against the plates and whispers amongst each other could be heard. Leondre was seated immediately after his Father while Irene was seated opposite him.

Doing dinner in the dining hall was something that he detested, they were so many there that he craved an alone time to eat but he knew that he was doing this for the sake of his status as Prince.
He had to inconvenience himself to please the people that wouldn't think twice to kill him and take his throne.

He knew that they may not say it out loud but no one would pass the opportunity to be King, to be in charge of the ten provinces.

From time to time Irene would glance at him which he felt but he didn't reciprocate, she was trying too hard for someone who barely knew him.

She was a very beautiful woman, fairer than most ladies he had seen but there she was swooning all over him and he couldn't deny that he was enjoying it but he didn't want to be tied down just yet.
He still craved his freedom, he wanted to be able to do as he pleased without having to feel guilt.

His Father was still healthy and had more years to go, he didn't see any reason why he should be coerced into settling down so soon.

When his Father had broken the news to him, he wasn't so happy about it but he couldn't let it show. There was no doubt that Lady Irene was a very beautiful girl but he didn't have such feelings for her to want to wed her. If anything he just wanted to have some fun with no strings attached.

"I see that the prince has already taken a liking to Lady Irene already" a woman spoke in the midst of the silence. She was in her late seventies with wrinkles adorned her face like jewels stealing the beauty of the diamonds that she wore. Even at her old age she still remained gorgeous.

She was the Lady of Fenrell, her son and daughter in law had died of an unknown sickness which still left her in power while her husband was bedridden.

Leondre movements stilled, it had appeared that an old lady had brought up the topic that he didn't want to be touched. This was one of the reasons he preferred to eat in private where there would be no disturbance or slight utterances.

"I feel the same too" This time around another old man supported the old lady.

Perfect. Just his luck

Leondre managed a small smile that could barely be seen while Irene just blushed.

"If I may ask, when do you two plan on getting married?"
The old woman asked again, her curiosity getting the best of her.

Leondre clenched his teeth, to say he hadn't expected the question would be a lie. Rushing into marriage was the last thing on his mind, if he was going to marry Irene then he needed to take it slowly.

"If everything goes well then it would happen soon" Leondre offered the woman a small smile

The king gave him a look which Leondre knew, they had already talked about this topic and for Leondre to say that if all went well was out of the question. Irene was very suitable to be the Queen which the King had no doubt about.

After a while, the nobles slowly began leaving the dining room which Leondre was thankful for. Irene also stood up to leave and bowed to Leondre which in return he gave her a smile.
He decided to stall a little bit so as to know the opinions of his brothers concerning him marrying Irene.

They had both been present at the table and neither of them had said a word. It was best if they didn't put their mouth into it.

"So are you going to ask or not?" Levi had suspected that Leondre would want to talk with him and he knew exactly what it would be about so he also stalled but Reuel had left immediately with Allie.

Leondre smiled, "As usual Levi you seem to know everything, well what do you think about Lady Irene being the Queen?"

"I think the question should be what do you want? If Lady Irene really is the one you want then brother with all due respect you have my support but if you have eyes for someone else then we both should hope that it works out or perhaps that she is of a high class. Left for me Leondre, class isn't a bother but in your case as the heir the court might not agree to it. In the end, it all comes down to you and what you would do. So does my answer satisfy you?"

Leondre chuckled, "It did"

"Then I would be taking my leave" He started leaving before he halted his steps, "Oh and by the way" he turned around, "You wouldn't want to ask Reuel tonight either, he is occupied with Allie" He gave him a knowing smirk then he turned and walked off.
Reuel was definitely going to be unavailable for the rest of the night since Allie was with him.

Leondre laughed low, Levi had already figured that he might also ask for Reuel's opinion too which made him wonder if there was anything that ever passed under Levi's nose which he didn't know about.

The walk to his room was quite long because of the slow steps that he took, once he had entered and closed the door, he had begun removing his shirt when a knock at the door stopped him.

"My Lord"

"What is it?" He didn't want to be disturbed since it was already late at night, everyone must have retired to their beds even the crows too.

"It's the King"

Leondre opened the door immediately to be met with a guard who had his head bowed and his gaze casted on the floor, the crest of the Delcosta household was embedded on the chest of the armor he wore which indicated that he was a Royal guard.
"And what about my Father?"

"He has been poisoned"

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