Qnfr From Tumblr

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Thursday, Deadmau5's diary:

I enjoyed sleeping at Zedd's house. I don't mean in that way... Zedd is straight, which is part of the reason I decided to stay with him. I wanted to get away from my romantic relationships for a small time. What's the point of writing things I already know if I'm the only one who will read it? I'm not used to diaries. Ice would know more about how to do this. By the way, ze just texted me.

Ice: What do u call an apologetic Skrillex?

Deadmau5: ...What?

Ice: Sorry Moore!

Deadmau5: haha

Ice: ...R u still mad?

Deadmau5: uh...

I shut off my phone and brushed my teeth.


Isen's diary:

There wasn't much universe transportation lag this time, and I sent a few party ideas to Endigo through Myspace. Can't w8 for dis party, m8. I should probably wash my tie because it might have cheese on it, LOL. I want to be a dude who looks like a chick or something for Halloween. I can't go full Yohio though, because that would just light my dysphoria on fire. [An arrow reading "eww" is drawn pointing to a sketch of an inhumanly skinny person with Ice's haircut.]

I saw Qnfr today and while I was walking home alone (because my bro was getting picked up by his friend). The possible Tumblr kid walked beside me and took me by the hand into Tim Horton's. He's a cute little dude, and he seemed to be more shy this time.

I took my bagel and sniffed it before biting in. I noticed how Qnfr looked at me with his swaggy eyes, and he was probably laughing on the inside. While I chewed the cheesy bread item, I continued to look at the face of the dude across from me. He had smoothly-blended eyeliner running over the edges of his eyes, with a sprinkle of yellow glitter on his eyelids. His striped scarf had spikes in the middle, which was frickin' weird for a scarf, but it looked great. "Dude, your scarf is hilarious."

"What? Oh, the spikes?" He picked it up and touched the metallic edges of them with a smile. "Yeah, I made this."

"That's cute." I smirked at him to show I liked him so far.


Maybe I should be a drag queen. Who frickin' knows, I have stupid ideas anyways.

Mau5 still hasn't texted me back. What a hashtag. Deadmau5? More like Emomau5... I'm LOLing. Qnfr mentioned wanting to go to the Halloween dance. Same. :3 That little hashtagger likes me, no frickin' doubt. Well, probably. ;) This is actually the first relationship I've had aside from Skril (which would technically make this my first teenage relationship, if Qnfr does like me).


Seike walked out of the bathroom, feeling the Halloween spirit since he had seen the decorations go up. The visual kei guy smiled with his piercings and decided to wander the middle layer of the house. He walked past the occupied dining room that had Kitcha and Endigo recording a weird song that involved a lot of pointing, the half-decorated living room, and the nice classic staircase with the wooden hand rail. Seike walked into his room, which looked lonely without his boyfriend's stuff lying around. He didn't want to admit he missed the Mau5, because he wasn't exactly focused on their relationship, but it was true. The attractive dude with the opposite-side Skrillex haircut walked down the stairs. "I'm going to head out, okay you guys?" He spoke quieter than usual because he didn't want to mess up the recording.

"Good luck," Skril responded, even though he didn't know where Seike was even going.

"PEACE!" Endigo said as he paused the camera.

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