Femboys are Awesome

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(Qnfr's thoughts):

I recently found myself a really great guy... They are a demiboy and I asked them out. <(^_^)~ I can only imagine what the dance is going to be like with Ice next to me...

We stand outside the school gym in our Halloween costumes. Ice is dressed as a vampire and I am a pastel princess. My partner looks down at me with their calming eyes that have just a hint of red undertone. I can't help but smile like a little uke. (*//.///*) A mix of pizza and fake blood smells cloud the atmosphere of the hallway.

"Come on," Ice says as they lead me gently by my wrist into the gymnasium. I can't tell if Ice is thinking about Skrillex or me, but either way I am happy. Whilst we dance on the confetti-covered wooden floor, Ice leans over to me. I think they are going to whisper a secret to me, but instead I am greeted with a kiss from the demiboy on my blushing cheek.

(Out of Qnfr's thoughts)

A high Japanese voice called from downstairs. "QNFR, GET OUT OF YOUR ROOM ALREADY!"

The short femboy punk jolted up from his romantic Halloween thoughts of the guy he had recently met. He fell off the side of the bed he had been slouching over. "Oop!" Qnfr touched his body, which had just hit the floor. He readjusted the pink, floppy bow on his brown-rooted hair. He went back downstairs to get his breakfast, which he had now become late for.

//////Universe A\\\\\\\\\///\

"How do you like this one?" Endigo asked Kitcha as he held up a ripoff Dahvie Vanity costume to himself. The taller musician looked down at the costume, trying to approximate whether the size he currently had in his hands would fit or not.

Kitcha glanced at Endigo for a few seconds, looking back at some unidentified thing in the back of the Walmart aisle. His arms were crossed.

"Looks good? Yes? No?" Endigo stopped trying to get his opinion and placed the neon outfit back on the rack.

Kitcha's eyes followed a trans girl trying out a Naruto cosplay.

"KITCH!" Endigo jumped in front of him. "Kito! Kid! Kareshi!" He waved his hands.

Kitcha looked at him, still displeased.

"What's up with you, man?" Endigo put his arms down, taking away his $p00k war|\|ing m9.

"I'm not even sure I want to go with you to the Halloween party anymore."

Endigo's face fell. "What? Why?"

Kitcha took his arms out of their cross so he could make his regular hand motions. "Because you've been so insane lately! You revealed to me that you eat Slinkies often, you've been incredibly rude to Isen, and even yesterday you went and stabbed hir with a pencil, not even checking which end you were using!! You've either been out for attention or unneeded vengeance, and I don't even know if I can be around you anymore."

"Isen is tearing our relationship apart though!! That kid is a horrible person!"

"WHY, BECAUSE ZE LIKES ME?!" Kitcha put his hands on his hips. He had fire in his beautifully coloured eyes.

"Why would ze like you if you keep YELLING SO MUCH??"

Kitcha lost it and pulled Endigo's hair.

The other dude screamed and threw a nearby plastic skeleton at Kitcha. He began pelting the small, beautiful creature with anything he could find. A glittery nail polish bottle hit the fancy blue thing on his cute eyebrow.

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