What was Written the Next day (Or whenever...)

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At some point, he got tired of the whole thing (probably because he was losing, LOL), so he decided to be a sneaky poop wizard and wrote up his whole video idea on the night before the day they were going to figure it all out. He was tired, and thought that even if it turned out to be a stupid idea, he should at least practice his ideas so he'd win intensely next time, if Endigo wouldn't make him play video games all day to determine who wins... :P

Endigo went to sleep all like, "bro, I pwned the crap out of Mau5y, hahahaa! My idea's going to be better than his, anyways! :P"

Deadmau5 had to go outside to let out a freaking evil villain laugh over how sneaky his idea of writing whilst Endigo slept was. He didn't want to deprive everyone of their sleep on the night before they filmed a music video.


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