Darkness of the Forests of Thought

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Endigo ran outside to calm down. He wiped the mixture of tears and eyeliner from his eyes and walked in the direction of a usually deserted park. The wind blew through his dark hair and he sighed as he walked up the hill. This day had started out with a nice outfit and the thought of him winning against his Mau5head-wearing rival, but now everything seemed to be crashing down around him. It was just a bad day. The half-cosplaying guy looked down at his feet. He wasn't even wearing shoes. Going back inside would make him look dumb, and he was already past a few blocks. He shook a large spider out of his hair and just kept going.

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They had the music video plan completely set up. Everyone was hungry after all of it, so the work of art of a human being who goes by "Skrillex" began cooking some freaking noodles for the other guys.

"We should get Endigo's opinion on his part of the MV, just to make sure he isn't going to be mad about it," Deadmau5 said after taking a sip of watered-down fruit juice. "By the way, what the f**k is this stuff?? Skril just handed me this from the fridge..."

Kitcha looked at the strangely-coloured drink. "Oh yeah, that's probably from when Ice was here. Ze always drinks weird stuff, LOL."

"Ze?" Deadmau5 asked.

"Yeah," Kitcha said casually, brushing a small knot out of his hair.

"If you don't like hir pronouns, you can get out! (・ω・)ノ" the gorgeous shawty with the greasy, dark hair said as he gave the 2 dudes their noodles and set Endigo's bowl down.

Skrillex was about to eat his noodles when he heard the old crackhead next door scream something dumb. "Those f**king transgenders!!!!!!!!! Them and their damn pronouns!!! Tell Ice that he or she is a f**king idiot!!"

I showed up from out of nowhere. "Get off my property, you stupid drug addict!" I threw a large pop can at the moron, knocking him out, and I called the cops. "And use my pronouns... Flipwad," I muttered. I placed the phone back on the counter.

"Good job Babe," Skrillex said as he hugged me. I hugged back and smelled his rave-and-grease-scented hair. It was cute when he called me that, especially since we weren't 100% dating all the time, and I wasn't his only babe. I looked back to his beautiful eyes. I let my hand drift slowly down his back. I knew I was 15, but this dude was babe AF. What other chance would I get to touch the butt of the fabulous Skrillex, right??

"Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss!" Kitcha chanted silently from the dining room. He covered his mouth with his hand so it wouldn't look like he said it, LOL.

I smirked and stared at Skrillex's thin lips. They parted to probably tell me not to, but I kissed him anyways. He tried to push me away, but I knew how much he loved it when I kissed him. In only a second, I made him relax.

I made out with the dude and touched his epic butt. "I-Iceyyy..." He moaned a little, trying weakly to push me away again. He secretly didn't want to, I could see it in his eyes.

Deadmau5's jealous eyes shot daggers at me. I didn't really care, because I had my (or his) pretty babe in my arms and that was all that mattered.

"Get off him, you poop butt!!!!" Teh Maw-5 growled as he grabbed Skrillex's swaggy arm that was covered in his famous long-sleeved gray shirt with the light thread sewn in an "X" around the middle of the neckline.

I ran my hand through his smooth, beautiful mess of hair before the other music producer completely pulled him away.

"And don't come back to steal him from me again today, okay?!" The tattooed guy yelled, losing his cool and showing some insecurity.

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