The Flashback and The Name

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//flashback\\||||||||||[Last edit June 21, 2016]

7:00PM, some room in a concert place

Skrillex was done playing his show. He had been done for 30 minutes and had already done his autograph-signing session. The EDM musician sipped a can of pop from his chair, relaxing as his friends attempted to play basketball out in the hallway.

The door close to him opened and a confused emo person entered. Their eyes lit up when they saw Skrillex. "Uh, is this the autograph signing?" They said confidently, trying successfully to keep their cool in front of someone they had always dreamt of meeting.

"No," the shorter dude who had just played a concert said, checking his watch. "That was an hour ago." He smiled at the stranger in his regular friendly way.

"You're so beautiful, can I hug you?" This person wasn't going to miss the opportunity.


The fan wrapped their arms around him and played with the back of his hair. "Thanks," they said, running a hand calmly down Skrillex's acne scars. Once the fan was done, they spoke up again. "I love your frickin' music, man."

"Heh, thanks," Skril said as he returned to his chair, walking slower to not intimidate this person into running off. "You're actually one of the calmest fans who hugged me today."

The person laughed a little in reply.

"Most of them just cried all over me, haha. Even the guys, although I think they were passing around some bags of stuff in the middle of the crowd."

"Who would wanna do drugs at your concerts? They're f--king magical already. :)"

"Yeah, why do dope when the concert's already dope?" Skrillex took out a cigarette from a box in his small backpack.

"Uh," the fan pointed out the sign on the wall that said in Impact font, 'No smoking'.

"Ah, right." The dark-haired producer put the cigarette back. "I'm trying to quit these things anyway."

"That's good." The person was just glad to be around Skrillex. It felt like an intense honour to be next to him in person, instead of a poster.

"You know, normally I'd have to kick you out, but you seem cool somehow." He pulled a second chair next to his. "You can sit if you want to." He walked over to a cooler in the back of the room. "You want a beer?"

"I don't drink," said the fan, laughing on the inside because they were 15 and Skril didn't seem to notice.

"Pop? Water?"

"I'll have a pop, please." They watched the EDM producer's butt before he turned around.

The fan received the pop. "Thanks."

Skrillex sat back in his chair and adjusted the section of hair that was falling over his glasses. "What's your name, anyways?"

"Ice. Ze/hir pronouns."

"Oh, that's cool. What gender are you, then? Since you use those pronouns..."

"I'm a demiboy, actually. The other half is gendervoid. ^_^"

"Nice." He opened a can of beer and drank some of it. "I like nonbinary people. Binary people are cool, but I find a lot of them are too mainstream for me." He looked over at the fan across from him who was clearly not mainstream. "The whole androgynous/gender-bending look is kinda hot to be honest." His deep brown eyes scanned up and down the demiboy.

Ice was pretty amazed that Skrillex was interested in hir. "Yeah, I tend to like more feminine guys with long hair and all that." The demiboy gazed over at Skril. "You're such a babe, honestly. You wanna go out later?" Ice smiled confidently with hir teeth. Ze hardly ever did that, but being with the most beautiful Sonny Moore was a special occasion.

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