He helped her roll onto her back over his lap. Her head lolled onto his shoulder. He looked to the little boy and told him "Kid, you should head home." He nodded, but before he left, he gave the captain a hug and said "Thank you Captain Kathryn Janeway. I owe you my life." She groaned at the sudden movement of the hug, but embraced it nonetheless. Once the boy left, she "ordered" Paris to help her up, but he told her "no" and kept her on the ground, until they were contacted by Chakotay who asked "Paris, are you there?" he responded: "Yes we're here commander. The captain is badly hurt, we need to get her to sickbay." he looked down at the captain who was trying to stay awake and cried out "Come on captain! stay with me!." She nodded her head as much as she could and Chakotay's voice came through the combadge saying "Hang on Kathryn, I'm coming." She tried to say something but was in to much pain.

A shuttle landed about 600 meters from them, at least that's what Paris's chronometer told him. He looked down to the Captain who had her nose scrunched, her eyes closed, and her hand above his on her side squeezing it. "Captain, you're gonna be okay. The shuttle's arrived, so the away team will be here any minute." She tiredly told him "...kay..." but kept her eyes closed. He saw Chakotay and the Doctor coming over a hill. He placed the captain's hand over the cloth, so he could signal them. Quickly he started waving his arm around.

The away team saw him and took off. Chakotay was the first to arrive and immediately knelt by his love and asked: "Kathryn? What happened?" She tried to pull herself up and into his arms, but she had become stiff in her immobility. Tom helped her shift to lean on Chakotay, so he and the doctor could get better access to the wound. "Captain, we need to get up to the ship ASAP. This might hurt, but the Commander and Lieutenant Paris are going to carry you to the shuttle. Okay?" She tried to protest, but within seconds she was off the ground with pain ranging from head to toe. They took off running back to the shuttle.

They ran through the door of the shuttle, and the two men laid Kathryn down on the floor. She couldn't bite her lip anymore, so a gasp escaped. Tom took his spot at helm control and started bringing the shuttle up, while Chakotay and the doctor stayed by her side. He cupped her face and said "You have to hang on, okay? We had a date tonight, and it seems that you decided to make a temporal jump and get yourself hurt." She tried to laugh, but immediately gasped at the pain, and gripped the front of Chakotay's uniform. He peeled her hand away and replaced it in his own hand. To her holding his hand somehow felt right. Tom called out "Hang in there Captain, we'll be back to Voyager in three minutes." She took a deep breath and said: "Thank you...Mr. Paris." Suddenly she felt like she was going to be sick. Her hand flew out of Chakotay's and landed itself over her mouth. The doctor quickly grabbed the newly replicated basin, and arrived just in time. She pushed herself up and spewed a purely brown liquid into the awaiting basin. Her hand managed to find Chakotay's again, as he proceeded to rub her back. When it passed she fell back against the wall and the doctor's mouth flew open, which concerned the two of them. "Doctor? What is it?" Chakotay asked, tightening his grip around her shoulder. He chuckled and asked "Captain? When was the last time you ingested something other than coffee?" She pulled herself further up the wall and said "I had some...soup last night." The two men in front of her just gave her the 'You shouldn't be doing that' look that she knew all too well.

She slunked back down the wall, sighed, and said "I know what you are...all thinking, but I was very...busy today. It didn't help that I then got thrown...through a temporal fracture." They all laughed when suddenly the Shuttle docked, but had a rough landing. She moaned and gripped her side tighter. "Come on Kathryn! Just a bit longer." Chakotay said, lifting her into his arms. He watched her head fall against his shoulder when he suddenly didn't feel any breathing coming from her ribs. "Doctor! She's not breathing!" he yelled out; causing the doctor to run over and scan her. "We need to go NOW! We're losing her. Her lifesigns are destabilizing." They burst out of the shuttle bay doors and ran into the nearest turbolift.

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