Joining with WHO was the biggest reward for her passion as a doctor, but leaving Si Jin behind was the hardest thing in her life. She still remember her life when she thought Si Jin was gone. Mo Yeon knew she couldn't endure a life like that again, and there was also their child. She couldn't just took her child away from his or her father.

But, Mo Yeon also knew she couldn't stay forever in Haesung. As long as the connection played the biggest part in the hospital, she would always be in the surgery room without any prospects on becoming a professor.

"Gosh...what should I do?" Mo Yeon mumbled to herself while massaging her foot. She took off her heels and was about to massage it when she saw Si Jin already kneeled in front of her.

Without saying a word, Si Jin started to massage Mo Yeon's leg and foot, with the doctor looked at him in silence. Si Jin did the same thing to the other leg and foot and after that, stared at Mo Yeon's eyes and smiled.

"Feeling better?" he asked warmly.

Mo Yeon smiled in return and nodded. "Yes, thank you." She looked up at her husband who was sitting next to her. "I can do this on my own, you know."

"Love compels us to do things for others that they can do themselves."

"Ah..." Mo Yeon's eyes brightened. "I know the man who said that." She sighed and stared at Si Jin's eyes. "I'm sorry I haven't done the same thing to you."

Si Jin's eyes twinkled. "Who said you haven't?"


"Remember when you hit that Yoon Gi guy for me? Or when you pointed your gun to the Colonel to save me?"


Si Jin leaned closer and caressed Mo Yeon's hair. "You've done more than I had. I only tied your hair while you were saving my life."

"You're making me like I'm the heroine."

"Yes, because you are a heroine." He nodded to Mo Yeon's feet. "Are you tired? Do you want to go home?"

Mo Yeon shook her head and leaned back on the bench, sighing. "No, I want to stay here for a while."

"Alright," Si Jin relented and also leaned on the bench, smiling when Mo Yeon rested her head on his shoulder.

"Are you going to apologize or to confess?" suddenly Mo Yeon asked.

Si Jin blinked. "Huh?"

"You were kissing me without permission earlier. Actually, you did that a lot."

The Major grinned. "So, how many apologies do I owe you?"

"Who said I want your apology?" Mo Yeon raised her head and looked at her husband's eyes. "I want your confession."

The intensity on Mo Yeon's eyes caused Si Jin's heart to flutter. How he loved this woman. She was his life, his everything.

"I'm curious, though," Mo Yeon said again, oblivious about the internal battle on Si Jin's mind. "If I said you have to confess back then, what would you say?"

Si Jin didn't answer, only stared at Mo Yeon's beautiful eyes. His eyes slowly had the softest look. "That you are beautiful and I love you."

Mo Yeon blinked. "That's all?"

Si Jin tilted his head. "Would it be a shock for you if I said I want a relationship and a future with you? You would be surprise and in the end, completely rejected me."

"You didn't know if you didn't say," Mo Yeon shrugged. "Who knew maybe I want it too."

It was Si Jin's turn to be surprise. "You did?"

Descendants of The Sun Book 2Where stories live. Discover now