It was worth a shot.

"It was at the Greengrass mansion... We were at a party. When I got there you had already left with your father. I arrived later on. Probably the last one to arrive there with Narcissa. Up until then everyone had forgotten about my birthday and I was upset despite Fred teasing my sides like a taser and Harry showering me with kisses. I backed up into a corner of the room feeling the way I did until I just walked out of the room and you followed. You gave me this necklace because it was my mothers..."

"I did do that didn't I."

This was such an odd question to ask, but now that she was on the topic... Eden sat up, turning to lean her back against the pillows.

"Is there something you have not told me? Did we know each other?"

Oh how badly Draco just wanted to let her know. He could imagine it in his head right now. Had he said yes perhaps all the memories would come back to her.

She would remember every time they kissed, every time they snuck off together, every time they fought, every time they made love. Everything would come back to her.

But he also realized that it was one big fantasy he made up in his head.

This was not some type of fairytale. Draco knew that when he allowed Snape to obliviate her this would happen, but why was it hurting him so much more than he anticipated.

It had been a year and a half, almost two years. That was enough time for him to move on and accept the reality of what he did, but the moment his father sent Eden to his house it all went downhill and every feeling he felt at the beginning of their separation came back.

It took him so long to finally go down into the basement and look at her again.

It was not easy.

That's why he left her there.

Draco had Tissy bring up daily reports on her health and only went down again when he realized she was trying to kill herself... The first time.

"You stayed with us for a few days. My father kicked you out after my mother passed away and you found a place to stay... After that I did not have a clue of what you were doing or if you were still alive."

"Oh... I see."


After a few hours and a dinner later, the sky fell dark.

The lights were out in her room and Eden found herself asleep in minutes after she actually shut her eyes and tried.

It was cold in her room tonight.

Maybe it was because the coldest man she knew was sitting in the corner of it refusing to leave, though it was reasonable and she knew it.

If she was in Malfoy's position and her life could be put at risk because of a stupid mistake a stupid girl like her made, she would be worried too.

When she finally hit the hay, her mind was blank and empty, body numb as she laid there, covering her face with her arm like she always did.

The same hand she felt almost every night before the party was back, but Eden was still too deep into her sleep to wake herself up and find out who it was that was doing this to her.

As her mind ran wild with thoughts she brought up the fact that she might have been haunted by Harry, who would come every night to make sure she was okay or any of her other friends like Fred and Hermione.

She was the closest with them if she really thought about it.

Everyone else was just a friend...

Nothing more nothing less.

The hand on her cheek outstretched and their fingers combed though her already messy hair. Even in her sleep Eden could feel how good it felt against her scalp which throbbed in pain from a headache.

"You're too much Eden. I miss you."

It echoed through her head.

That was not a memory.

That was not a quote someone said to her that she just remembered in her head.

That was a real person who was speaking real words to her.

Who was it?

Who the hell was doing this?!

Eden moved in her sleep as his hand massaged through her stands of hair being so gentle and soft with the way he was doing it. She began to nuzzle her head closer to his side as Draco brushed kept brushing through her soft hair.

That always used to comfort her.

If it did back then it definitely would now.

This felt like déjà vu to him.

They definitely did this in the past.

Eden sleeping, his hand rubbing gently back and forth on her head.

That was when everything was normal.

When everything was right...

When he still had her-


Now was not the time or place for this.

His hand left her head as he stood, walking back to his place on the chair in the corner of the room.

Draco did not care how long he would need to sit there. He was not going to leave for anything if he knew she was going to be alone for even a second.

The thing that hurt him was that she did not quite enjoy his presence. He was just enough to make her not panic.

The boy was sure that if he let Pansy in here, Eden would be more open and let her guard down, but he was not letting that happen.

After everything that happened today he wanted Pansy far, far away from Eden.

He needed time to consider when she would be allowed to see her again. Until then Eden was stuck with him no matter what she said. He was not going anywhere.

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