"Cyane?" Malina called snapping her out of her reverie, "About that man that came the other time with you"


"What about him?"

"You both looked good together"

Cyane blushed, she hadn't thought about such a thing and she didn't want to discuss it any further, "I don't know what you are talking about"

Malina chuckled, "Don't you have somewhere to be?"

Cyane's eyes widened, she had forgotten about her work and she rushed back in.


The tournament had already began by the time she had arrived. Cyane wasn't apologetic about it, if not for the money involved she would have quit her job.

Once she stepped foot into the physician camp, she was met with the cold shoulder which she ignored. She had already gotten used to it but sometimes she still wondered how grown up men would consider her a threat or was it just for the fact that they felt that women should always be at home?

She was the least of their worries only if they only knew.

She got to her spot and found someone already waiting there, she sucked in a breath. The person reminded her of Alair, the young boy that she had first attended to but this particular patient was way older than him

Cyane crouched and removing the bag that was slung on her shoulder, she dropped it beside her and opened it

"When they told me that I was going to get treated by a physician, I never expected it to be a woman" The man watched her keenly.

Cyane swallowed, "Are you disappointed?"

"No" He had meant well but it had come out the wrong way, "I'm amazed"

That got Cyane's attention and she slowly looked into his eyes, "Amazed?"

"Yes, it's not everyday you get to see a female physician"

"I'm honored"


Cyane was exhausted after she was done attending to few other people. She needed a little break so she took permission from the man in charge of physicians telling him that she needed to ease herself which was true and also a lie because once she was done easing herself, she sneaked out and went back home.

For some reason she didn't want to watch the tournament and opted to skip it like the way she had been doing since the incident at the training camp.
She knew that Leondre would be watching so she thought it best to avoid the place totally.

She had barely gone into the tavern when she heard a voice, one that she hadn't heard in two days since that incident.


Leondre was standing behind her when she had turned around and beside him stood his brothers, Reuel and Levi.

She was confused on what to do at that moment so she opted to do the one thing she could and so she bowed to them and Leondre frowned at her action.

"Milords, what brings you here?"

Leondre walked up to her, the frown was still etched on his face. He knew that this would happen if she ever got to find out about his identity, he was afraid of it but he knew that it was inevitable. She was bound to find out sooner or later, "My brothers wanted to see you again and since you were avoiding the tournament grounds I had no choice but to bring them here"

Cyane let out a small breath, Leondre had noticed that she was avoiding the tournament grounds and although he didn't say it, he knew that it was because of him.

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