Daughter of the Copy Cat, Rescuer of the Raver :~ Christmas Special ~:

Start from the beginning

“Playing… Shougi…” Sakura closed her eyes, and her fists clenched. As Hinata tried to stumble out something to calm the woman, it was clear that she wasn’t happy with the pair. “Shika said they’d be out soo-“

“It’s Christmas!” Sakura exclaimed, opening her eyes and stomping her foot. “Christmas! And they’re both –“

“Sorry we’re late.” Sasuke emerged from a darkened hallway, followed by Shikamaru. Sakura’s mouth quickly closed, and a hint of red tinted her cheeks.

“G-Glad you could finally join us.” Shikamaru let out a scoff, while Sasuke merely ignored her, and opted to step over Kakashi and Kiba to sit beside me. When he finally managed to get comfortable, Sasuke rested his arm on my shoulders. “Okay, now that everyone’s here. Let’s eat!”

Licking my lips, I grabbed a paper plate- something we’d all voted for due to the convenience of disposal. Taking as much as I could, I sat back and began to dig in. “You’re not going to eat?” I asked, glancing up at my boyfriend, who merely pecked my forehead and grunted.

“Not hungry.” Puffing out my cheeks, I picked up a fork and stabbed one of the many sorts of pasta. The spikes of the fork now held two pieces of said pasta, and I held the utensil up to Sasuke’s mouth.

“Eat. It’s Christmas, lighten up.”

“I hate Christmas.”

“You say that, yet you attend these parties each year without complaint.” Seeming to avoid my retort, he took the food on the fork into his mouth.

“You two, I’ve come to terms that you’re going out, but can you please turn the lovey-dovey-ness now a little, please?” That was Kakashi, who had seemingly been watching us the entire time.

“Sorry, Oto-san.” I grinned, although the apology was only half-hearted. These little moments with Sasuke gave me immense pleasure, especially due to his lack of presence at home. Lately, he’d been going out a little more than usual, and for longer periods of time that I was accustomed to.

Still, he had his life, and I had mine. I wasn’t going to jump up and assume anything anytime soon, so I didn’t bring it up. I merely smiled and bid my good afternoons when he did finally arrive, and he did the same.


“Is everyone finished eating?” Sakura looked around, gauging reactions. From the looks on everyone’s faces, she assumed they were all finished eating. Even Naruto was beginning to drift off- prepared to sleep off the food. “Alright, then I guess it’s present time!”

We’d all decided on a secret Santa, although, that Santa was to give their present to the other on that day. So, Kakashi rose his wrapped box. “Tenten, I got you.” Handing the box to the girl, she undid the ribbon and took a look inside.

Her mouth dropping open, she held up a golden necklace with a jewel of some sort hanging from the chain.

“It’s beautiful!” She chimed, instantly wanting to try it on, “Thank you, Kakashi!” The girl, seeming happy with her present, gave Kakashi some sense of relief.

Next, it was my turn. Biting my lip, I stood and reached behind the couch, grabbing a big box that was meant for Neji. “Um,” I nervously shuffled in place, feeling a little awkward. “I hope this is okay, Neji.” The man leant forward in his chair, and took the box off me with a polite word of thanks. So, I sat, fiddling nervously with my fingers.

Taking the lid off the box, he held up the upper half of the training suit I’d bought him. His eyes cast to me, and I let out a heavy sigh of relief as the corners of his mouth twitched up in approval. “Thank you, Ayame. It’s perfect.”

“N-No problem!” Slumping back into my seat, I let my heart rate slow. And then, I watched everyone else get their own presents.

All, except for me.

Sasuke had been given tanning lotion from Naruto, who’d had a great laugh at the expression the Uchiha had made. Kakashi was given a new book that had been released, although I hadn’t really been sure what it was about. Sakura, perfume. Kiba had been given a doggy treat bag, and because of his drunken state, he actually ate half the contents without complaint. Shikamaru had been gifted an great amount of sports gear, for his secret Santa was Lee, who was unable to make it to the party. Hinata had been given books, also, and Naruto had been given a pamphlet on dietary nutrition due to his poor eating habits.

Finally, everyone turned to Sasuke and I. My head tilted up to look at him, but he kept his eyes straight. “I-It’s okay if you didn’t get my anything-“ The man rose, before looking down at me and holding out his hand for me to take it. Feeling a little bewildered, I did what I was expected to do, and followed him to behind the couch, where there was more room.

Everyone gathered on the three seating, waiting to see what Sasuke had in store. “Aya-chan,” He started, “When we first met, I didn’t think much of you.”


“But, when we got put on the same team, I was forced to learn more about you. And I’m glad I did,”

I felt my face go red, and I heard whispers from the sidelines.

“Otherwise I wouldn’t be here today. I know I’ve been out of the house a lot more lately, but that’s because I wanted this present to be perfect. Both of us being twenty two, I figured now would be the right time, because I can’t wait any longer.” My hands flew to my mouth out of pure shock as Sasuke dropped to one knee, and pulled out a small box from his jacket pocket.

Squeals were heard from the couch, and I assumed that was Sakura and Tenten. I was far too shocked to do anything but stare, though.

“Ayame, will you marry me?” He opened the lid of the box, producing the most beautiful ring I’d ever seen. Slowly my head nodded a yes, but I soon found my voice.

“Yes. Yes! Sasuke, Yes!” He rose, just in time to catch me as I jumped on him. Easily catching me, he twirled for a few seconds, letting it just be himself and I.

“I hate it when you cry, but I guess now can be an exception.” Leaning back to look Sasuke square on, I hesitantly wiped at my eyes, finding that I was, indeed, crying. But, I didn’t care. Sasuke had made the choice to spend his entire life with me, and I was willing to do the same.

As I was lowered, I only half heard everyone in the room cheering. Slowly and gently, Sasuke lifted my left hand, and slipped the engagement ring onto my finger. And with a lingering kiss, he whispered:

“Merry Christmas.”

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