"What? Of course not!"

"Then, why? Don't lie, Mo Yeon."

The doctor only blew a breath. She was planning to tell her mother when her jetlag was gone, but apparently she couldn't do that.

"It's just..." Mo Yeon took a deep breath. "I...can't drink for the next 8 months." Her eyes met with her mother and then, as she expected, her mother's widened and she squealed.

Mrs. Kang suddenly hugged Mo Yeon. "Oh, I'm going to be a grandmother. Ah, I can't believe this." She released her embrace and looked at her daughter. "Did Si Jin know?"

Mo Yeon rolled her eyes. "Of course, Mom. He's the father. I told him when we were in Switzerland."

"Oh, he was there with you?"

The doctor smiled wistfully. "Yes."

Mrs. Kang made a face. "That was good." And then, she looked over the vegetables on the dining table. "Let's see if we can make something for a pregnant woman with these ingredients."

Mo Yeon sighed. "Aigoo.."

In Urk, Si Jin was toying with his phone and contemplated how to tell his father about Mo Yeon's pregnancy. He was sure his father would be happy. Considering the time zone differences, Si Jin chose to call his father when it was night time in Urk, for it was daytime in Korea. With one long breath, he swept the dial button. After several ringing, his father answered.

"Si Jin?"

The Major smiled. "Hi, Dad. Is it alright for me to call you in this hour?"

"It's fine. What is it? I heard about your mission in Switzerland. How's your wife? Is she alright?"

"She's fine, Dad. Actually, more than fine."


Si Jin went silent before saying, "She's pregnant, Dad. I'm going to be a father."

A sound of laughter was heard from the other line. "What took you so long, son? I thought you were going to make her pregnant after you get married for three months."

"Dad!" Si Jin could feel his cheeks were blushing. This was indeed very odd timing.

Yoo Young-geun laughed again. "Congratulations, son. I'm so happy I'm going to be a grandfather. There will be another Yoo in our family."

Si Jin smiled.

"And what's your plan next? Did you already think about it?"

"Yes, Dad. I'm planning to discuss it with Dr. Kang after my deployment is over."

"Dr. Kang? Are you still calling your wife like that?"

Si Jin blew a breath. "Why is everybody asking me that question?"

Yoo Young-geun chuckled from the other line. "I'm happy for both of you. Come visit me if you have time."

"I will, Dad. Well, that's all that I need to tell you. I'll see you soon, Dad."

"Take care, son."

Si Jin disconnected the call and stared over the ultrasound picture his wife gave him, and smiled.


When Team Alpha and Team Bravo returned to their duty, their Commander summoned them and awarded them with promotion for being able to conduct a successful operation in foreign country, both to protect their citizens and also being cooperated with another military forces. Besides the Captains, both team members got promoted one rank higher than their current rank, while the Captains got special rewards. The promotions meant new ranks for Team Alpha, Sergeant Major (Wonsa) Seo, Master Sergeant (Sangsa) Choi and Im, and Sergeant First Class (Jungsa) Gong.

Descendants of The Sun Book 2Where stories live. Discover now