She has never seen Jiaqi act like this with anyone. Not even to her sister or her mother. She's seen her cared for her friends and family but it was nothing like what she's witnessing.

Maybe it's because she knows how Xueer feels since she's been battling that feeling for three years now, but they way she holds her delicately and how she softly caresses Xueer's hair is something that she has never seen before.

She has always been a soft person. Her actions (unless force is necessary), her words, even most of her expressions were soft, but she didn't think that Jiaqi could be even more softer than that. Especially after how she has acted for the past three years.

Seeing how Jiaqi was able to calm Xueer down, Dr. Wang decided that it was best to leave both of them alone.

She left a note on her table, saying where they can find her in case something happens, and existed the infirmary to give them privacy.

Xueer didn't want to pull away from Jiaqi. She was enjoying the warmth that the taller dancer has been providing her. They've only interacted once before but Xueer has never felt more safer than when she's in Jiaqi's arms.

Remembering how the taller dancer couldn't talk, Xueer wondered if Jiaqi was fine being hugged for this long. But then again, it was Jiaqi who pulled her in the hug first.

She reluctantly pulled away from the hug and looked at the taller's face.

Concern and.........

Xueer can't decipher what the other emotion is. It was like Jiaqi was trying to fight that feeling and was using her concern to cover it up, which was making it unclear for her.

Brushing whatever that other emotion off, Xueer gave Jiaqi an assuring smile to ease her concern.

She watched Jiaqi grab her bag and took a notebook and pen out before scribbling on it. After she finished, Jiaqi gave the notebook to Xueer and gestured her to read what's written.

"Are you okay?" Xueer read.

She looked over at Jiaqi and gave her smile. "I feel much better now. Thank you." She said.

Jiaqi nodded her head at Xueer answer.

On the side of her eye, Xueer's exposed legs caught her attention. Her relieved face changed to a frown.

She took the notebook from Xueer and wrote some words on it before giving it back to her.

"Don't wear shorts again." Xueer read.

She looked at Jiaqi's frowning face and frowned back at her, adding a pout for effect.

The taller was taken aback.

She took the notebook back again and wrote something before showing it again to Xueer.

"P-please...?" Jiaqi wrote.

'She even wrote the stuttering. Cute.'  Xueer thought.

She had to bite back the smile that was threatening to come out. As a solution, Xueer deepened her frown and her lips became even more pouty.

Jiaqi had to add more words to her request when she saw Xueer pout even more.

"Unless your with someone else...?" she wrote.

A smile finally made its way on Xueer's face after seeing the last note that Jiaqi wrote.

"Alright." Xueer answered.

Jiaqi let out a sigh of relief and smiled back after successfully convincing the latter with her choice of clothes.

Xueer's big doll eyes stared at Jiaqi before she threw her arms around the taller's neck.

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