Chapter 15: ARC 1 - The Lost Princess

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In a dimly lighted room, six prominent individuals were seated on a large circular table while a man was standing on one side of the room, his back facing the others. Each of their faces was laced with full solemnity as they all discussed one vital issue.

"I say we start with the counter-attack already," one man demanded.

The first man to speak was named General Wilder. He is the oldest of them all as a man in his early 30s. This general is known as the bear-like warrior at the frontlines on every battlefield. His long sword was placed leaning at the back of his chair as he joined the discussion.

"I beg to differ. We are not yet ready!" a woman exclaimed.

The next one to voice out her statements was General Marian. She is an expert archer and it was said that she never missed a target ever since. The woman was still in her late 20s but is already a prominent one among all the other fighters in the organization.

"Do we have to wait until this hideout will be finally found out?" another man asked and shortly added on, "We can't afford any more casualties."

Another man who was in his late 20s was next to offer his thoughts. His name was General Russel and is a master blacksmith. He is in charge of Obsidian's weaponry even before he became a general. His proficiency in crafting weapons was a talent that no one in this world can ever surpass.

"Are you out of your mind? If we attack unprepared, then it will be our loss," one man ranted.

The man who just spoke was another general who was one of the founding individuals alongside Reyr, Marian, and Zevlin. His name was General Light and he is a spy who is currently acting as the Mad King's personal attendant.

"Even General Rosalyn isn't ready yet. Her potions that are expected to be poisonous to every Phantom Knights or Beasts aren't even tested," General Light added.

His statement earned several troubled sighs from the others.

Rosalyn interjected, "I'll be ready by next month. The mutated lizard will be of extreme help to my research if you just allow me to continue my examinations here."

Reyr shook his head. "Then the people that were assigned to that tower will soon notice your absence. That will be more dangerous."

"Then allow me to bring the lizard to the tower!" Rosalyn exclaimed.

"No, that's not a good idea. The lizard is huge, where do you think would you be able to hide it? Under your bed?" General Wilder replied.

Rosalyn rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest with a puff. Meeting with the other generals is always a headache, she thought.

Reyr sighed. "Is it necessary that the lizard should be in its entire form for your research?"

The youngest girl in the room slowly nodded. "Yes, it won't matter otherwise."

"How much is the longest number of days that you were absent on that tower?" General Marian asked.

"Three days...and I don't go out during the weekends since that is the time for the weekly delivery of goods from the Mad King's castle," Rosalyn answered.

"Then that shouldn't be a problem. You can go out for three days every week," General Russel replied.

Reyr shook his head. "I'm afraid she can't go out for longer days now. The girl who was assigned to disguise as the general has fallen into an illness, luckily it was only a common one. I personally think she drank something that could be poisonous to her."

Indeed, Rosalyn was an unfavored princess and even faced many death threats from the others. If one wanted to poison her, they can do it effortlessly by mixing it with her drink before delivering it to the tower. Fortunately, Rosalyn is prepared enough to notice some abnormalities in her drink. However, unlike Rosalyn, anyone could fall prey to the other's wicked schemes. Just like how the girl, whose name was Lily, who was supposed to disguise as Rosalyn whenever the princess goes out, drank the tea without any suspicions.

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