Chapter 10

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Today is sunday and all I have to do today is to visit him.

"Unnies~ I'm leaving for a while I need to visit him" I said while wearing my rubber shoes.

"You will not eat with us today? It's already lunch" Hi-chan unnie said while looking to our wall clock.

"Nope sorry I need to visit him" I said and give them a sad smile "But I promise I will join you for dinner tonight" I said getting ready before I leave.

"Okay~ take care bear!" They said in unison and I bid my goodbye to them before I finally went out.

But before I visit him I went to the flower shop first so that I could atleast give him something I decided to buy him some white tulips and candle then later on I arrived to where he is.

"Dad, sorry I didn't have time to visit you last 2 years ago because of that news happen and I so feel guilt because of that" I said and place the flower I brought for him in his grave.

"I stopped my dream of becoming a dancer because of that and moved to another school where my unnies school attended" I said while I was cleaning his tombstone because of some falling leaves.

"Dad" I took a deep breath before I spoke again "This is your 7th death anniversary" I smiled and at the same time my tears flowed down to my cheeks "I miss you so much" I added ang look at the sky.

"Do you see me now dad? I grow up already but you are not by my side, But don't worry they take good care of me" I said I looked at her grave again and wiped my tears.

Yes today is my dad 7th anniversary and my mom? She also died when she gave birth to me and I also do not know where she's buried my dad told me that my grandparent took her and brought to America for burial there.

My father owned a big company but due to his illnesses he need to sell that company, before he died he still thinking about me he left money in the bank account with my name on it. When he died my uncle took me to the orphanage because he said he couldn't take care of me and that's the time when I first meet my unnies like me their parents also died that's why they are in that orphanage and when Eunbi unnie turned up at the right age she adopted us and became our legal guardian that's the time we became a family, and we also found out that their parents had money left over from a bank account with their name on it and because of that money we were able to study and the others were able to graduate already and we took a risk to build our own cafe shop... Coincidence?? No, that's destiny we believe we are destined to be together all of us.

"Dad It's already 7 pm I promise to them that I will join to our dinner tonight" I said while looking at my watch.

"I enjoy being with you even though you are not physically present, but I know you always guided me" I said and I lit a candle for him "I love you dad" I added before I sat up already.

"I will visit you again dad I promise" I said before I finally leave him.

I decided to buy some cake and ice cream for my unnies before going home I also buy some chicken for our dinner because I know they love it....When I finally home I rang the doorbell and I saw Yuri unnie open the door for me she smile when she saw me help me to carry the plastic bags.

"Unnie I'm home" I shout and they greet me and then I go immediately to change my clothes and when I finish changing my clothes I went down to my leaving room and then I heard Chaeyeon unnie shout from the kitchen.

"The dinner is ready come here!!" Chaeyeon unnie shout and when we heard that we immediately go to our kitchen and we sat down while we're eating and then suddenly Minju unnie spoke.

"Y/N does your stomach hurt again?" She said looking at me and I shake my head.

"No, I don't feel anything" I said and I remember what happened yesterday my stomach hurt for a while but It suddenly gone so I just ignored it.

"But still don't force your self it might hurt again" Kura unnie said looking worried about me.

"Just tell us if it hurts again" I heard Nako unnie said.

"We will take care of you tommorow" Yuri unnie said and pat my head.

"And please tell me when your stomach hurts tomorrow during our classes" Wonnie said and give me a piece of chicken.

"Unnie I said I'm okay already don't treat me like a baby" I said while pouting they treat me like a baby always but they still discipline me when I make a mistake.

"No, you're still our baby!!" They said and unison and I pout more I see Wonyo unnie pinched my cheeks.

"And also Wonyoung and Hi-chan please eat, you are losing weight" Chaeyeon unnie said and and I raised my hand to speak.

"Unnie I call you immediately when they do not eat at school" I said and I look at Hi-chan and Wonyo Unnie I stick my tongue out to tease them and they look at me giving me a death glare 'So Scary'.

"Enough of that continue your eating and go take a rest, some of you still need to school tomorrow" Eunbi unnie said when we finish already eating our dinner and dessert I bought for them we decided to go to sleep already.

"Good night unnies~" I said to them before I kiss there cheeks and go straight to our shared room and do my night routine first  before I sleep.



My Iz*one Unnies ~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora