Chapter 4: My ipod & Some Pancakes

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A/N:Lol how am I doing on this story guys? Imma try to at least write a chapter everyday or every other day ok. Now ~ ON TO CHAPTER 4 :)
"I really do think it's her, it has to be her Lady Tsunade."
"We'll your description and her disappearance from years ago seems to be accurate", Lady Tsunade told me with her eyes closed. When I was just a young child, my little sister Miki, got kidnapped.

Every one looked to find her, but there was no hope. When she came back I was so happy, but when she said she was from another world, I was shocked. She doesn't even remember me. Like for goodness sake we have the same freaking last name, did she not add any of this up?!?! Mom and dad already died a month after the disappearance. I've been so lonely ever since. I then started to read a perverted book 'Icha Icha' because it kept me distracted.

Sometimes I would go and visit my parents grave but it wasn't the same...

I was at my apartment that Hokage let me stay in. I noticed that when I came here I had a bag with me. I never really looked inside though.

I looked in it and dug my hand in it. that's when I felt some headphones and my iPod. I couldn't believe it! All my music was there and even some of my books that I was able to download was still there too. I was soooooo happy, ohhhh so very happy. I did a little dance in the living room. I then ran out my front door heading to Naruto's house with my ipod in hand. I knew I shut my front door, but didn't lock it. Hope none of my stuff gets jacked...

I finally made it to Naruto's home. Out of breath, panting, I knocked on the door. I waited a few minutes catching my breath. Then Naruto came out rubbing his eye...shirtless. I quickly started to blush. "Miki-chan, why are you here this early in the morning?" he asked me but then noticed my flustered face. I guess he noticed why I was blushing because he quickly ran and came back later with a shirt on. He was laughing mad hard rubbing the back of his head." Sorry Miki-chan" he then said. "It's ok Naru Naru."

'Naruto, why are you doing this to me!!!😭 he is so freaking hot uggggh my little 12 hormones are raging!'

He then invited me into his home. He pulled out a instant ramen cup, an I guess he was planning on eating it for breakafest. I then grabbed the ramen cup and put it back in his cupboard with the rest of his instant ramen.🍜

"What are you do--" I then cut him off by putting my finger to lips. "Shhhhhh" I then tell him while moving my finger away from his lips. He was so flustered and his cheeks burning a dark crimson red. I just giggled looking at his cute, whiskered face.

"I'll make my famous cinnamon pancakes ok?" I then told him with a grin on my face. "p-p-p-pan-pancakes?" he said stuttering. I just giggled some more.

"Pancakes are very common in my world for breakfast," I told him trying to act smart. "There are different flavored, but my favorite are my cinnamon pancakes" I then continued.

"Hmmmm," Naruto said with his eyes closed and his hand on his chin.

"I'll allow it I guess," he said with a smirk on his face. I then started I smile happily having the thought if warm pancakes.

"Let's go shopping!!!!!," I yelled pumping a fist in the air.

>>10 minutes later<<

It was hard, but I finally found all the things I needed for the pancakes.

Eggs, flour, sugar, cinnamon, apples, and things to make syrup.

We got back to Naruto's apartment and I started to make the pancakes. I then started to hum 'Take Me to Church' by Hozier.

"My lover's got humor,"
"She the giggle at a funeral"

I watch Miki mix up the pancake batter thing on my counter. She then started I hum a song that I was very unfamiliar with. Maybe it's from her world...

"Take me to church,"
"I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your light,"
"Ill tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife"

I was very confused by what she was saying. She seemed so calm by what she was saying. She seemed at peace. She looked so cute when she sings like that.

I took the pancakes off the pan. I then some sliced apples on top with some extra cinnamon. I then poured some of my homemade syrup right on top.

I saw Naruto starting to droll over my beautiful looking pancakes.
I got out a knife and a fork for him to use. When I brung him his food with the fork an knife, he seemed very confused.

I then had to teach him how to use them before he was able to eat.

When he finally learned how to use them, I let him eat. He was like in heaven when he took his first bite. when I started to eat mine, he had asked for his third pankcake. It was so funny when I told him no.

He was like a little kid not getting his way. I was dead when he stuck his lip out. I was literally was on the floor laughing so hard.

Just to tease him I got up slowly and walked up to him. I leaned forward looking directly at him, face-to-face. His eyes widen at what he "thought" I was going to do.

My eyes widen at what I think she was going to do. She slowly leaned in.....

I slowly leaned in and kissed him on his..... forehead. Oh my freakin gosh, he was sooooo confused.

I was sooo confused when she kissed me on my foredhead, but then I started to blush realizing what she just did.

He then started to blush at what I done. I then noticed and started to blush. We then became face-to-face again. He then leaned in coming close to my face...

I leaned in closer to her face..... to then...
Clifffffffffffhangerrrrrrr!!!!!!😜 lol got you guys my phones about to die, but I did make this chapter super long just for you guys who have actually continued to read this story! Thanks for reading!

Fun Fact: I love the squiggle lines ❤️

Naruto Uzumaki... I'm stuck in his World!?(Naruto-love story) •COMPLETED•Where stories live. Discover now