Chapter 11: Memories

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QA/N: I'm crying! The views of this story is over 1.17k hahahahahahahaha I love you guys!! Anyway here's chapter 11
I was jogging around town trying to train for our next mission with Kakashi-sensai. I notice Miki and she doesn't that good. I then see her smile faintly and she starts to fall.

"MIKI!!!", I screamed eyes widen in horror while running to her. When I got to her, she was sweating to her was unconscious. I quickly picked her up and ran to the hospital.

"Niiiiiii-San, where are going", I said while rubbing eye, still half-asleep. "It's a surprise Miki. You gotta wait a little until we get there ok?," Kakashi said while carrying me on his back.

We soon arrived at a beautiful shining lake. "Woooooooow! It's beautiful Nii-San!", I shouted in shock the the glimmering beauty in front of me. "SURPRISE!!!!", there down the hill of the lake was everyone. Mom, dad, Nii-San, Auntie, granny & papa.

"Happy 4th birthday Miki!" Kakashi said while flashing a toothy 10-year-old smile. The party was amazing. We played games. Dad and papa did some shows with their Justu's.

It was starting to get late. We then started to head home. When we got home, all the lamps wouldn't work. It was very dark. Then I felt like I was yanked in the arms of a stranger. "MOMMY, DADDY, NII-SAN!!!! HELP ME!", I screamed in kicked around my legs around."You better stop little girl, unless you don't want me to kill your family.", he kidnapper whispered to me putting me into a tight choke-hold.

I was really scared that night. I started to cry. I then noticed that we were heading outside. While we were leaving my home, I notice that everyone in a deep sleep on the floor. They were put under a powerful strong Genjustu.

Nii-San was smart. I know he would get himself out of this and would help me. He also looked like he was faking too, cause I've seen him do it before in front of mom.

The kidnapper took us around the alley away from my house. I heard screaming from my home and figured it was my mom's. "Nii-San", I barely spoke out from all the crying. About 20 minutes later, mom and dad came to save me.

The kidnapper was very strong. He was so strong that he killed my parents in front of my eyes. I got out of his grasp and started to run away. It was very late and I couldn't see what was introns o me or what was behind, but I kept on running. I didn't notice the ditch ahead of me so I had fell in.

I felt a lot of pressure on my small body and I just wanted to be with my Nii-San. That's where I placed in another world. There was a person waiting for me there. He seemed very scary and he looked like a snake. He put something in my mind forcing me to forget things.

That's where he made me stay with a lady in her mid 20s and grow up there. That's all I knew before the Jutsu was broken and I was able to finally remember...
CLIFFHANGER!!!!! Sorry guys for it,but I thought it was right to leave you guessing on what will happen next. Also @TheBrightSun your first guess was right of what I was going to do for this chapter. Good Job🎉 Peace guys ✌️

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