Chapter 8: Fooood Special chapter part 1

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A/N:You guys probably noticed by now, but I don't really cuss. You might see some in a few chapters,but not that much sooo yeah. Also soooo many people have read,voted, and added my story to their list and that makes me wet happy for all those people. I know your probably like "um do I care like TF", but like it just makes me happy so thank you,AND.. My story has almost 300 views like what the heck that's AMAZING anyway I'll start the story for you guys now...
I was walking threw the town after running away from the Great Neji. I then see a certain duckbutt hair. "DUUCKY!!!", I screamed running over to Sasuke. I turned around to see who it was and his face was in horror. I giggled and ran even faster. I started to run away from me so I cut him off by jumping in a tree and landing in front of him.ty

He then didn't notice me and littarly toppled on me. "Ughh", Sasuke said on me. "Ummm hey ducky, can you get off me your kind of crushing me with your body weight here.", I then said trying to push him off. I then saw him blush a little. LOL LOL LML I just made Sasuke blush. HA HA HA HA I'm dieing.

Sasuke then jumped off me. I then got up too. "Since you fell on me little ducky, you now have to treat me to some Ramen!!!", I said all happily. No it was your fault anyway.", he then said trying to at all cool like what naw Sasuke you can't try to act cool to me. You must be crazy if you think you can be doing this.

I quickly grabbed his shirt and pulled him down to my face.(cause I'm still like 5'2), and say "look Ducky duck, your really starting to urk my nerves right now and it's pissing me off. You can act all cool you want Sasuke, but your not gonna be rude to me. I'm kind of hungry and plus you fell on ME so I think you should pay. Now if you think you can just ignore me you can talk to Mr.Fist and he'd be glad to visit you face ok,!"I then say all seriously to him. "Y-y-yes Ma'am," he then stuttered.

HAHAHAHAHA,I've done it now. Makig Sasuke call me ma'am. I am cracking up right now mentally not physically though....

>>Time Skip<<
I was finally able to make Sasuke take me to get food. I love the ramen here. It it so goood.
Well that's the end if this short chapter. I know you guys are probably really mad that this chapter is super short and I should finish the story line on this chapter, but like I'm really busy and I don't want you to think that I'm not updating sooo yah. Gomen Gomen I'm really sorry for real guys. Well bye bye I'll soon. 😅

Naruto Uzumaki... I'm stuck in his World!?(Naruto-love story) •COMPLETED•Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora