Ch 51: Kurukshetra War

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Mahabharata war which lasted eighteen days. On one side, there were five pandavas with Krishna as their guide with 7 akshauhini, another side was full of great warriors, Bhishma, Drona, Karna and many more with 11 akshauhini soldiers

Uttara and Sweta, sons of Virata, were killed on day one of Kurukshetra war by Shalya and Bhishma.On the second day, Satyaki killed Bhishma's charioteer. Bhishma dazzled in kurukshetra and Yudhishthira was forced to think how they would conquer this army which has warriors like Bhishma.

On day three, Bhishma killed many soldiers of the Pandava army. On the fourth day, Bhima killed eight brothers of Duryodhana. On the fifth day, however, two of Duryodhana's commanders, Bhurisruva and Sudakshina were killed by Satyaki. Day eight spelled some misery for pandavas, as Arjuna's son Iravan was killed.

Notwithstanding the loss of some of his commanders, Bheeshma, moving around like whirlwind, day after day, for nine days, killed thousands upon thousands of enemy soldiers.

On the tenth day, Arjuna could demolish Bhishma to the bed of arrows, with the help of Shikhandi, but could not kill him.

On the eleventh day, Duryodhana appointed Dronacharya as the Commander-in-Chief of his forces. With Bheeshma no longer there to oppose it, Dronacharya permitted Duryodhana to induct Karna into his forces. Duryodhana then turned to Shalya, "The time has now come to fulfil your promise. I desire that you drive Anga-Raja Karna's chariot."

On Twelfth day, Susharma engaged Arjuna. Susharma was part of the Duryodhana's plan to capture Yudhishthir to win the war. On thirteenth day, while Arjuna was fighting Bhagdatta and Sushama, Drona made Chakravyuha formation. Nobody in pandavas knew the key to this apart from Arjuna.

Abhimanyu knew how to enter but did not know how to come out of it. Once he entered, Jayadrath ensured that no pandava could follow him. Trapped, Abhimanyu fought valiantly before dying in hands of son of Dushasana, Durmashana.

Abhimanyu killed Brihadbala. He also defeated Duryodhana but let him live because Bhima was under oath to kill him.

Seeing this, Karna snaps Abhimanyu's bow from behind while Drona kills Abhimanyu's horses and charioteer from the front.

Outside the Chakra, all Yudhishtira could do was hear Abhimanyu's piteous cries for help. He could do nothing except glare at Jayadhrata who smiled in triumph.

When Arjuna learnt of the death of his son, he was absolutely inconsolable. "I shall kill Jayadruta tomorrow before sundown or else I shall immolate myself," vowed a distraught Arjuna.

Next day (fourteenth), Arjuna kills 5 Akshouhini's of Kauravas and Jayadrath. This could have doomed pandava's chances of winning the battle had Krishna not intervened. Karna kills Ghatotkacha with Indrastra, this again ensures that one more factor of Arjuna's death is taken care of. Satyaki killed Bhurisravasp

On Day fifteen, Drupad and Virata were killed by Drona. This was indeed Drona's day, as he was decimating pandava's army with the help of brahmadanda. Bhima killed an elephant, named Ashwaththama, and claimed that Drona's son was killed. Drona dropped his arms after Yudhishthira confirmed this and was killed by Dhristdyumna.

On the sixteenth day, after Dronacharya's death, Duryodhana turned to Karna and said, "My friend, that which I had desired in the first place can now come to pass. I appoint you as the Commander-in-Chief of my forces." Though without his golden kavacha given by Surya or the Shakti given by Indra, Karna still had with him his famed bow 'Vijaya' presented to him by Lord Parasurama.

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