|| ♥ Chapter : 28 ||

Começar do início

" Hu-huhh poi-poisned..? ",
Rose started shivering in fear as she touched her neck.

" Yeah! What is a valid reason of a cheater being alive ? ",
Jin said and Rose's eyes widen.

" I'm -I'm not a-a che-cheater.. Please save me.... ",
Rose cried out.

" You wanted Jimin right ? And that's why you created misunderstandings between Jungkook and Jimin right? ",
Jin asked still smirking.

" What!? No Fucking way! Jimin loves me! Why will I need to do those! ",
Rose argued nervously.

" What a joke bitch. You want to lie before dying wow. ",
Jin said and Rose couldn't help but feel desperate and cry .

" Save me please. Please don't kill me like this! Please! ",
Rose desperately pleaded for her life looking at Jin.

" Then tell me why did you lied about us trying to kill you! Why did you do it when Jimin went to meet you in the hospital that day! ",
Jin yelled making Rose shiver badly.

Anyone didn't have a single about this information.

" I di-didn't....! ",
Rose lied.

" oh that's good. I guess Botulinum Toxin will paralyse your filthy mouth first. ",
Jin said and everyone gasped.

" No no no please no! Save me please! Yes I did it! I lied to Jimin about you all and about Jungkook! Jungkook wasn't playing around anymore agree he understood his love! I even saw Jungkook crying over Jimin! I created all the misunderstandings! I wanted Jungkook to die so bad! I wanted him out of our life! Wanted to make Jimin mine and make Jimin hate Jungkook!!! Please save me! Please! " ,
Rose cried out loud and everything couldn't help but look back and forth between Jin and Rose.

Jin laughed taking his phone from the couch which was kept beside him.

" Wow. It sounds like my phone recorded everything perfectly haha! ",
Jin said smiling ,looking at his phone.

" Wh-what!? ",
Rose asked as her eyes showed fear.

" Yeah bitch. Your high pitched voice is perfectly recorded here and thanks for all the informations .",
Jin said with a ominous smirk.

" Oh and it wasn't your drink I have poisoned. It was Jungkook's food . ",
Jin said and everyone automatically got a mini heart attack.

" WHAT!? ",
Taemin and Rose yelled in unison .

" The fuck? ",
Jin said raising his eyebrow with his playful demeanour completely gone and a scary aura engulfed him.

" You poisoned Jungkook's food! Blackmailed me huhh! How dare you! I'll tell Jimin everything and you all are dead! ",
Rose snapped.

Taemin was going to say something but stopped as his entire system filled up with fear as he realised something and gawked at Jin, praying it is not what he is thinking about the poison.

" Oh wow. Sounds like a great plan. Go try. Tell him. Before you start speaking, this audio will be sent to Jimin and BAAM! Tables turned bitch. There will be dead body for sure but not ours, it'll be you laying on the floor. Lifeless. Just like you should. ",
Jin said and Rose's words got stuck on her throat and she gulped down, fear starting pale her face. She understood she has officially fucked up and everything is out of her control now.

" Hy-hyung you poisoned Jungkook's foods....? ",
Taehyung asked with his eyes wide.

" Yeah what's the problem? All of you were acting useless by trying to kill Jungkook by Fucking foolish plans.. Ughh my plan failed too. I forgot about the tasting shit. ",
Jin said rolling his eyes.

Partners // JIKOOK // ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora