Chapter 46 - Reformed

Start from the beginning

"You know we cannot alter change with our partner. You can always request A partner change with General but it's not very likely that it will happen. As for respect... I believe it should've been assumed by now after what we have already addressed, but it's good to state it now. Everyone needs to put their feelings aside for our duty here. Listen to orders. Be open to ideas and respect each other's thoughts. Most of all, you all need respect Nathaniel as our new Champion and whatever he says goes when we are out on the field."

"Wait, what?"

"Yes, Nathaniel. Champion is the Warriors leading commander. You should know that by now."

"But we always listened to you anyway."

"Yes, and that's exactly what I am talking about. When I say push feelings aside, I mean even your opinions of who is smarter or stronger. Nathaniel, Mallory, and RJ are the only ones in charge. Nathaniel is the only one you need to listen to, especially in a heated situation! Confusion will get us all killed."

"Well, why would we listen to him then? He has the least amount of experience than the rest of us and, honestly, he's always confused. We will die just trying to get him to tell us a simple yes or no."

"She's right, Lizzie."

"Nathaniel, Rosalin, enough!"

"Enough indeed."

General approaches everyone... He seems angry yet calm. It's somehow terrifying.


"Y-Yes, sir!?"

"You remember our little secret."

"Er-uh, yeah. Why?"

"Well... I'm afraid it won't be much longer. Not an exact date can be placed... I trust that you will inform the right people and only the right people, the moment I leave this door."

"S-Sir, but-"
"Warriors! I see you are all gathered discussing a very important, much-needed discussion. I'm going to have a word with all of you that I only ask you to keep between yourselves. As you all know, I have singlehandedly changed this shitty place into a quite remarkable city. It's not even a military anymore. Yet, regardless, I still make soldiers better than any other. Z666, why is that?"

"Erm... I-uhh. I can't really say, I-erm-"
"People are complicated beings. Such fragile creatures we are. Yet we are fit to adapt to many situations with just pure knowledge and reasoning. So, at about the same time as our technology advanced and we found out how to stop the world from moving... I began to notice who the better soldiers were and started to question why."

"Well, what was it?"

"Wonderful question, N377. You see, people understood the danger. They were trained hard and shaped up to be strong cold soldiers. However, the top soldiers I knew... They all had such a personality and always found a drive. The funniest thing is that all that training... changed them none. They didn't need to be cold to kill monsters. To be a stone-cold-killer is only needed to kill our own. Those soldiers were still the same person, same smile. You see, we do the training for all rookies, pardon me, Nathaniel, and show them what it's really like out there. Then we leave everyone be. Y'all aren't dumbasses, you can see what happens to those less fortunate so you're natural reaction is to find your own way to stop that from ever happening to you. We give you the tools and knowledge to survive and with an endoskeleton, everyone is more than capaple of taking down those beasts. Everyone has their place and surprisingly, it's worked. People are more confident out in the field and it even becomes fun for few. We have built a whole new world here for people and that is the reason we survive. Just how we as humans always have."

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