“Waaahhh,,, That was long huh!” She jokingly said in return.

“I’m glad that you’re not mad at me.” Onew said seriously to Princy.

Princy just lowers her eyes. Aisshhhh,,, Na ottokhae??? I’m confused...


“Aishhh, silly of me, mianhe for making you feel uncomfortable.” Onew said with a sorry face.

“Ani, I-I, I just don’t know what to say...” She said as she turns her gaze away from Onew. She looks up to the sky and notices that it’s quite darkish.

Princy then turns back her gaze to Onew whom she catches staring at her. Because of that, she can feel her heart’s fast beating. Yes, she can sense Onew is a good person but she’s still confused. Why would not she? If she just met Onew earlier that day?

Onew just continue on smiling at her, showing her that he understands her. “I’m not pressuring you Princy. I know, you’re quite shocked with my revelation. Just let me do this to you, the feeling is also new to me. I just wanted to know what really this is.”

Princy looks at him innocently and smiles in return. “If that’s what you want, oppa.” Again, her heart beats fast as she sees Onew’s sweet smile. Ya,,, I just agree that I’ll let him do what he wants. He didn’t even say he likes me or whatever is that… Why am I feeling like this right now???? I’m pro Minho right????

They are silently walking the long street towards the bus station when suddenly, big droplets of raindrops start to fall down fast.

“Wae??? Why rain now? I didn’t bring my umbrella.” She foolishly talks to the rain. She looks around and sees Onew putting her stuffs inside his bag and after doing it, looks around too.

She’s starting to get wet at that moment, when Onew grabs her hand and hold it tightly while putting the other hand over her head like it can protect her.

“Ya, why are you allowing yourself to get wet?” Onew asks with a worry face. They were able to reach a waiting shed area before the rain drops so heavy. There are no other people aside from them. Waeeee??? Where are the people???

“I just love the rain. It somehow gives me a relaxing moment.” She answers innocently.

Onew smiles as if someone tells him something good to hear. “I think I know now why I admire you, I love how you randomly and innocently act towards people and non-living things.”

Princy blushes as she heard Onew said that. Aishhh,,, Why is he so straightforward??? I thought people will do such things to people whom they really know. He is different… Kyaa Princy… You’re not saying you like him are you???  She braces herself for the thought. …Ani, I like Minho oppa more...

“Are you cold?” She hears Onew asked. She is startle a bit.

“Omo, ani,,, I’m fine.” She tries hard to deny it, but she knows it is a fail coz’ it’s pretty obvious that she’s shivering from the cold.

“Aish, silly girl, I know your cold,,, I can see it.” Onew tries to take of his coat and put it on Princy’s shoulders.

Princy feels relief, but at the same time worried for Onew. “What about you oppa??? You might catch a cold or fever???”

“Ani,,, I’m fine. You don’t have to worry about me.” Onew smiles at her, reassuring her that he’s fine.

Aishhh,,, Why are you always smiling??? Don’t you have any problem???

Princy feels guilty for taking Onew’s coat so she suddenly thinks for a solution. She moves closer to Onew and shares the coat with him. “Ya, this is it, in this way, both of us are not feeling cold.” Princy smiles as if she’s satisfied, forgetting the distance between them and the consequence of her action.

Onew eyes her with a shock in his face. He never thought Princy will do that. “That’s a clever and a brilliant idea!” Onew smiles brightly as he realizes that Princy is slowly feeling comfortable to him.

Princy laughs at Onew’s reaction. “Wae??? I’m neither smart nor clever, I just think and act what is right for me. I’m dull especially in academics.” She pouts her lips as she remembers her class.

She doesn’t hate her class, in fact she loves it. She only doesn’t like how people usually treated and think about them---her class. They are judging them academically.

“Ya, it’s not only the academic is the measurement for the intelligence of a person. There are lots of intelligent people who weren’t able to go to school yet they are very good in some ways. Intelligence is not only bound for academics. It has many dimensions.” Onew explains, but he is startled when something heavy falls on his shoulder. When he looks at his right side, he can’t keep the smile to show up as he sees Princy’s head lying on his shoulder.

“Tsskkk, silly girl, I was talking all the while and yet you sleep without telling me.” He contentedly smiles. He watches Princy’s face as if trying to trace and inculcate it in his memory. He notices a strand of hair trying to block Princy’s face. Onew then, tucks the hair at the back of Princy’s ear.

“Why are you so random yet so innocent hmm??? Yet you managed to be funny.” Again he smiles sweetly. He puts his right hand at the shoulder of Princy to hold her and prevents her from falling. He is enjoying his moment when someone calls him.

“So here you are, Onew chin-aehaneun (dear),,, I’ve been looking for you… Long time no see…”

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