"I promised to learn all the insignias, didn't I?"

He chuckled. "Yes, you did."

Mo Yeon pursed her lips. "How many guns do you have? Can I borrow one?"

Si Jin stilled and looked at his wife in surprise. "Huh?"

The doctor only shrugged and folded one uniform. "I need to shoot someone."

The Major chuckled and held Mo Yeon's hand. "Is it anything to do with your director or is it anything to do with you suddenly missing from your TV show?"

This time, it was Mo Yeon's turn who went still.

Si Jin smiled. "I told you, I won't ask you to tell me."

"How did you know?"

"Have you forgotten I'm the former Captain? Give me some credit."

"Now, you are really scaring me."

Si Jin laughed lightly. "If you want to shoot someone, you can't use my gun. All the soldiers' guns are registered, even the bullets. You and I can cause big trouble for that."

Mo Yeon raised her eyebrows. "Why are you taking this seriously?"

"You said you want to shoot someone."

"I'm joking."

Si Jin laughed again and pulled Mo Yeon into his arms. "I'm going to miss you, honey."

Mo Yeon smiled and hugged Si Jin back. "Me too. I'm going to miss our banter and sleeping next to you."

Si Jin groaned. "Why are you saying things like that when I'm about to be send away from you?"

The doctor only giggled.

Si Jin narrowed his eyes and leaned away before holding Mo Yeon's shoulders. "Since this is our last night, I can do something about it."

"About what?"

"You sleeping next to me."

He leaned forward to kiss his wife before Mo Yeon stopped him. "What about your packing?"

"I can do it in the morning."

"You will be late."

"Seriously? Don't make me use my Special Forces training to keep you still."

"You can do that?"

"Do you think I can't?"

Si Jin leaned closer while Mo Yeon watched him with wide eyes. "Let me love you, please..."

Either it was because of his voice or because Mo Yeon knew four months were long enough without Si Jin by her side, she finally gave in.

Their packing forgotten.


Early in the morning, Si Jin already awake and continued to pack while Mo Yeon was still asleep. His phone buzzed and Dae-young's name appeared on his phone screen.


"Salute. I heard you are dispatch to Urk."

"Yes, I did."

"How's your wife?"

"She's fine, although I'm worried because she's not in fit condition. Do you think you can ask Myeong Ju to keep an eye on her?"

"I can ask her."

Si Jin smiled. "Thank you, Sergeant Seo. By the way, when is your wedding day? I'm sorry if I can't attend it."

Descendants of The Sun Book 2Where stories live. Discover now