Jane's always there

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Sister Bernadette walked slowly into the dining room Recently, she would go to the chapel and pray for guidance in her spare time, to clear her mind if the thoughts that plagued her. Alas, Jenny was in there seeking guidance of her own. Sister Bernadette knew that Sister Julienne was attending paperwork and everyone else other then Jane was out on rounds. Sister Bernadette admires Jane, from her being so small and meek when she first arrived to growing braver and friendlier by the day. She also knew that Jane could read when people wanted a chat and when they need silence and that was perfect right now.

Sister Bernadette sat down with a cup of tea in hand. After a small 'hello', Jane left her be. Sister Bernadette took her glasses off to rub her eyes. She had been doing a lot of that lately, as if it would help get a certain somebody's face out of her mind. The kind eyes, the goofy smile, the strong hands and that unruly hair that she would love to run her fingers through...

Before she could stop herself, a sound that was a mix of a sob, a sigh and an 'Aggh' escaped her lips.

"Sister? Are you alright?" Jane asked, brow furrowed

"Yes sorry I-" she started, her eyes darting around the room, then she caught sight of a letter in Jane's pocket from the Reverend Applebee-Thornton, which, in another emotional outburst, gave another cry, and then buried her hands in her face, "I'm sorry you don't need to see my like this!"

Jane was not the best with emotions, but knew Sister Bernadette just needed a cry, so she silently stood up and sat next to her, placing a hand in the other women's knee. Sister Bernadette eventually calmed down, smiled and thanked Jane for being there.

Just as she turned to leave, she added, "Please could you not tell anyone about this? I do not want anyone to worry." And as Jane nodded, half walked, half ran to her cell before everyone arrived home for lunch.


Later in the year, before she left to get Nurse training, Jane stopped off at Dr Turner's house to say goodbye to Shelagh. Ever since becoming Shelagh, she had hid from Nonnatus but Jane still wanted to say goodbye because she liked Sister Bernadette and trusted her.

Jane left happy seeing her friend one final time, and for the good luck and thanks she received with it.


Around a year later, Jane was visiting Nonnatus, when she realised that, although the Turners looked to be enjoying themselves, Shelagh looked reserved and ate less the Jane did when she first arrived at Nonnatus. Others also noticed

"Shelagh, are you feeling well? You are not eating much!" Trixie commented. Jane notice the blush rise in Shelagh's cheeks and the panicked expression on her husbands face, and the look of sympathy on Sister Julienne's.

"I am perfectly fine thank you. Mrs B has made a lovely meal I am just not hungry." She answered.

"Well to cheer you up, let's tell the malt loaf story!" Trixie grinned

"Trixie! Oh go on, you tell it!" Shelagh said with wide eyes

"Well. Sister Evangelina came in telling us no gas and air for home deliveries. As you can imagine we where all in shock- then she added that the Doctor-" Trixie began

"Oh lord it's this story!" Sister Evangelina huffed as Shelagh buried her head in her hands.

"Yes this story. Now, Sister Evangelina said that the doctor looked disheveled in his office. Then Cynthia mentioned how a button has come off Doctors clinal coat and how you had no one to sow it on for you." Trixie explained. Jane noticed how her eyes where on the couple even if her face was not facing them. Jane also noticed how the doctor looked like he knew what she was going to say next and how it still made him feel guilty. However, due to Shelagh stifling a laugh and her head still being in her hands, she knows she had not told this story before.

"I then went on to say how unkempt and untidy you and Timothy looked." She grinned at Shelagh, and everyone looked followed Trixies eyes to her. Cynthia and Sisters Julienne and Evangelina were already stifling laughter as they obviously knew the outcome. Dr Turner looked a little dishearted at how people thought Timothy looked rough, the doctor obviously tried and felt guilty about that.

"Shelagh, what did you say next, as a nun?" Trixie laughed

"Really Trixie I can not believe you. I said: Speak more respectfully of Doctor, please. And I'll thank you to hand me the malt loaf." Shelagh told the table in a meek voice, not very different from her own, Jane thought.

Everyone at the table stared at her and then burst into laughter.

"I'm sorry what?!" Sister Winifred and Patsy said at the same time.

"I remember Trixie telling me and Chummy about this! My Shelagh, that was not what I thought you said, that was bolder!"

After all the merriments has died down, Jane took Shelagh outside for a chat, where the talked an awful lot.

Jane's plan worked though. Shelagh went inside not feeling embarrassed from the tale and not feeling sad from whatever ailed her.

Nun-Nurse: A series of one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now