Goldfish and kisses

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Trixie, Lucille, Valerie, Phyllis and Shelagh were laughing together, each holding a bag of water each, with a tiny goldfish in each.

Phyllis, who was slightly in front of the other four girls, asked, "Well what are we to call these little fishes then?"

Lucille, who was standing on the outer right, answered: "I am just going to call mine Goldie, simple!"

Trixie had a grin wide across her face, "I know exactly what we are going to call these fish, and I am sure Shelagh does too." With this, all eyes turned to Shelagh with looks of confusion- except Trixie who was grinning like the Cheshire cat- Shelagh's face dawned with understanding. She burst out laughing.

"What is going on?" Valerie chuckled standing in the outer left she brought everyone to a bench in an effort to see if she could get Shelagh to stop laughing.

"Trixie, I hope you are not referring to Jane's fish-" Shelagh began but seeing Trixie's wild nodding, she began to laugh again, "Oh no Trixie! You have to be the one to explain!"

With that Trixie began, a few years ago, " Trixie began only to be interrupted by Shelagh saying 58, continued with, "myself, two other midwife's, Nurses Lee and Miller as well as a medical orderly called Jane. We went to a fair, the four of us went to the fair when Jane won a goldfish. On the way back we were discussing our first kisses, and I decided to name the goldfish after Jane's first kiss. The only problem was she had never been kissed before!"

Shelagh the interrupted, "Trixie was so shocked that she said to me 'imagine living your life without being kissed!' so I reminded her who I was." She smirked over at Trixie

"Who were you?" Lucille asked innocently

"Oh. You do not know, do you? I was, um, a nun. Sister Bernadette." a blush rose on Shelagh's cheeks as the two newest midwives gaped.

"You were nun?!" Lucille exclaimed

"Trixie asked a nun about kissing!?" Valerie looked at Trixie then over to Shelagh, "Ad you were the nun! But you're married now?!"

"I was a nun for over a decade and married around six months after giving up my vows. Now Trixie continue with the story, please." Phyllis was now the one laughing, she knew since going to Africa.

"Well we had a Reverend staying, the Reverend Applebee-Thornton and long story short, Jane's goldfish had a name by the end of his visit, so it is the Nonnatus tradition to name goldfish after first kisses, so stories girls!"

"You start Trixie, it was your idea!" Shelagh's eyes twinkled looking at the blond.

"Well, it was a man called John Bucker in 48, it was a movie kiss, through the wire fence, he went to his plane, a cheeky wink and was off!" Trixie smiled as the other girls- bar Phyllis who rolled her eyes and smiled- giggled.

"Mine was 1930, a friend called Henry Hill was going on a date and wanted to practice kissing, I offered and he kissed me on the cheek," Phyllis said matter of factly. The girls looked on rather shocked.

"Mine certainly was different, Leo Gardle, I was coming out of the library and a friend met me, we walked along the beach, and he kissed me. We only remained friends though." Lucille said, with an air of a dream.

"Gerald Panderwaker we were both 13 and went to a cafe together and long story short, we kissed at the end, for about a split second and I never spoke to him again, he moved the following week to Kent." Valerie said with a smile.

"My Valarie! 13! Anyway, Shelagh, you have been awfully quiet, when was yours?"

Shelagh dreaded this, no one but her and Patrick knew about the kiss in the old parish hall, and she certainly did not want to tell everyone about kissing as a nun so she settled on her third kiss with him, her second she did not want to disclose either, it was just outside of Poplar, with Timothy asleep he almost whispered "You are beautiful and I love you." with that, she leant over and 'bold Shelagh' emerged she kissed him on the lips and pulled away after only 3 seconds, but it felt like an eternity. "I love you too, and it thrills me that I am allowed to say it, for I have felt it for longer than I first thought." she whispered back.

Shelagh smiled and disclosed her third kiss: "After recent news, you have learnt about me, I believe you know who, and it was when he engaged, he kissed my ring in the old Parish Hall, mere months before it being knocked down."

"Oh, that is not what I expected, but amazing all the same!" Trixie laughed, squeezing her hand slightly.

"Let's head back and find a bowl for fishes John, Henry Leo and John at Nonnatus and Shelagh can find a bowl for Patrick at I'm her house" Valerie winked.


Shelagh walked home and into the sitting room to find Patrick reading The Lancet.

"What's that?" Patrick asked a smile playing on his lips.

"Me and each of the girls won a goldfish each." Sheath said matter of factly as she walked into the kitchen, with Patrick on her heels.

"What's this little one's name then?" Patrick asked as Shelagh poured the little fish into a bowl.

"His name is Patrick"

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