Will not be missed? (Attempted suicide and minor character death warning)

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"Get a move on!" Sister Bernadette angrily muted to herself as she rode into a tunnel structure. Helen Justavoy has just died in labour, and her baby girl had only been out the womb for a matter of minutes for her just to die.

The Sister cleaned the room, packed up her equipment and told the OFS what happened as they took the two bodies away. Mr Justavoy had been outside the room and as the Sister went to leave, punched her, hard, on the nose. He screamed at her and did not allow her to get up. In the end he had tears streaming down his face and he walked off, muttering "Ruddy Sister, killed my innocent wife"

Now here Sister Bernadette was, in the middle of a tunnel chucking her bike down. She slumped down on the ground next to her bike and pulled her bag out roughly, and opened it up.

"Idiot, you stupid, stupid women, you killed her! You should of done better." She told herself, every patient touched the Sister, but Helen. She had been full of life and excitement, happiness and joy. Now she lay in a morgue. And the Sister blames herself.

Sister Bernadette took a clean knife out of her bag, she had not needed it during the delivery.

"I should kill myself."

It was at this moment Dr Turner came round the corner in his MG. He spotted the Nonnatus bike on the floor and the small figure next to it. It was definitely a nun, he recognised the blue habit and the figure was small.

Sister Bernadette.

The doctor ran out of his car, his feelings for the small nun had been growing and this sight tore his heart into a thousand pieces.

That was when he noticed the knife in her hand.

"Sister!" he screamed, "What happened?!"

"Stay away! She died! Because of me, she died!" She had tears falling like Niagara Falls down her cheeks as she shouted back

"Sister, don't you dare do this!" the doctor told her, how could she think she has ever done anything wrong?

"Why not? No one will miss me by the time my body goes cold! My mother was the only person who loved me as a child, she died my father is a raging alcoholic who I doubt remembers me, the order will not miss me, I was just some random person, and the nurses will get over me and you..." She screamed back and then came to an abrupt stop. She started to sob again and the knife from out of her hand.

"I will miss you and grieve for you till I die." he stated quietly and stepped forward.

"I am sorry, I am so so sorry!" she fell into his arms crying and he wrapped his arms around her.

"Shh, you have done nothing wrong! Sister, I would miss you most of all, because in love you." he placed lots of small kiss on her forehead and wimple. It was then he realised what he said and what he was doing. "I am sorry, that was out of turn."

"Don't be sorry, please. I love you too." she whispered, just loud enough for him to hear, against his jumper, "I have loved you for months now, but I doubted you could ever love me, why do you love me? I am just some stupid girl who knows nothing!"

"I have loved you for longer than I first imagined, and I love you because you are brave, compassionate, beautiful, you love Tim, and you are the best midwife at Nonnatus house, and I never want to hear you call yourself 'stupid' again, do you hear me, you are the complete opposite!"

They just stood there, in each other's embrace, relishing in the feel and smell of the other person.

"Doctor Turn-" the Sister started

"Patrick. Please call me Patrick"

"Patrick, " she smiled a little at using his name, "Do you really mean that? You are not just saying it?"

"I mean every word." he stated plainly, kissing her on the head, "are you certain you love me?"

"I have never been more certain." She pulled back slightly, bringing her hand to her head and pulled her wimple and cap off. She smiled "And my name is Shelagh."

Nun-Nurse: A series of one shotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz