I need a hug

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Knock, knock

It has been a week since her explorative surgery which found out she could not have children if her own. Bar the first day, she has not let Patrick look at her, let alone touch. Now stood on the steps of Nonnatus, she wanted only for some guidance.

Nurse Mount was the person to open the door.

"Mrs Turner, how nice to see you! What brings you here?" she led Shelagh into the front hall.

"Good Morning Nurse Mount, I was hoping to speak to Sister Julianne if that is possible?"

"Of course! she should be happy to see you." Nurse Mount led her upstairs and left Shelagh at the door with a smile.

Knock, knock

"Come in!" She heard from the other side of the door. Her mentor for so many years, someone she thought to be a mother, bade her entrance.

"Shelagh! How are you-"

"I need a hug." The words fell out of her mouth before her brain registered what was going on. Sister Julienne practically sprinted around the desk, and as soon as Shelagh was in her arms, the tears fell from Shelagh's eyes and sobs racked her body.

"Oh my dear" after a minute of the older of the two holding the younger in her arms and lightly rubbing her back she brought her to one of the two chairs in front of her desk and sat herself into the one next to her.

"What happened?" She asked concerned.

"Sister, you know how I have that surgery," Sister Julienne nodded, "I found out I can not... Can not... conceive." Shelagh blurted out between sobs.

"Oh Shelagh! I am so, so sorry!"

"I feel dirty and I needed someone to talk to."

Sister Julienne grabbed hold of Shelagh's hand, "You are not dirty! Do you understand, you may not be able to have children but you are under no circumstances dirty!"

"Thank you sister, really thank you." Shelagh was really touched by them words.

"As you came to me I believe you and Dr Turner have not been getting along, am I right?"

"No, not entirely. I just did not want him to touch me, I have hardly been able to look at him."

"And after our chat I believe you will talk to him?"

"Yes, thanks to you Sister." She smiled up gratefully.

"Sister, do you mind terribly if I do not come to clinic this afternoon, I need a bit of time before, well, being around baby's again, just walking in the street has been hard, mothers wishing they did not have their baby, or telling them off and I love Tim and am so grateful for him but I need time for before I see others living my dream."

"Of course not! We managed last week, I am sure we can do it again!"

"Thank you Sister, I will leave you now, but thank you, this has helped in more ways then I thought." And with one more quick hug and smile, Shelagh left to go home and reconcile with her husband and take the afternoon off.

Sister Julienne was left sending a prayer up to God for happiness for her former Sister and her new life with her family.

Nun-Nurse: A series of one shotsDär berättelser lever. Upptäck nu