Tim's anniversary present

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"Fred?" Timothy asked cautiously, his mum was with Sister Julienne and he asked to come along after school, but he stayed downstairs wanting to talk to Fred privetly.

"Yes Tim?" Fred turned around to face the young boy.

"Um, well next week, the 28th, it is um, well, an anniversary of sorts for my mum and dad and I was wondering if you could help me sort out a present?" Timothy asked nervously

"Of course, 'ow can I 'elp?" Fred cheerfully asked. Timothy then explained his plan.

"I'll 'elp if I can. I will clear it with your mum, but I will get you to come with me on Saturday, I will make up an excuse and bring what you need, where will be be going?" Fred happily obliged making an excuse in his head

"Could you drive to the sana- sanatorium mum stayed in when she had tb?" He looked up to see Fred's puzzled expression, "I will direct the rest of the way, oh mums coming I will explain then, thanks Fred!" He added quickly hearing his mum walk down the staircase

"Hello Fred! How are you?" Shelagh smiled up at the handyman

"Very good Mrs Turner, thanks for askin' , I was wondering, could I borrow Timothy 'ere on Saturday? He says he will 'elp me find a place to take the Cubs" he made up

"Of course, I don't mind! I am sure his father won't and it will be nice for him!" Shelagh smiled, "Now Tim we have to be heading off, bye Fred!"

"Bye Mrs Turner, Timothy." He tipped his cap and as the two turned around, he and Timothy shared a cheeky wink.

"Fred, I thought we knew where we were taking the cubs?" Patsy asked with raised eyebrows

"Oh no, I am doing a favour for Tim, 'elping 'im out with something for his mum and dad, don't tell them that though, gonna be a surprise!" He answered, laughed and walked off, leaving Patsy momentarily baffled, the she laughed and walked off in the opposite dirrection shaking her head, smiling.


Saturday could not come quick enough for Timothy, he stuffed his breakfast down, grabbed his previously packed bag, and headed for Nonnatus.

He got to Nonnatus is no time, seeing Fred at his van, he sped up and got in the van.

"'Ello young man, ready? Got what ya need?" Fred asked laughing

"Yep!" Tim answered. It was four days till Wednesday, four days till the 28th of October, four days till the first anniversary of finding his mum on the Misty road.


After a morning of directions of Timothy and a few wrong turns (blamed on Fred) the van arrived at the deserted road.

"Here we are!" Timothy exclaimed, Fred knew better then to ask why here, he had been trying to get it out of the young boy throughout their journey, ending up no where.

"Right then, you do what you need to do, I do what I need to do, right lad?" Fred said getting out the drivers seat

"Absolutely!" Timothy said, getting out the car to sit in front the van, getting his supplies out, he was about to start when Fred interrupted

"Do ya wanna sit on the bonnet?" Fred asked

"That would be smashing! I will get the perfect view then! Timothy said, placing his bag on the bonnet and Fred lifted him up.


About three hours, six drafts, one fall (not from the boy sitting on the bonnet) Timothy finished his masterpiece was complete.

"Fred! I am done!" Timothy said proudly, sliding off the car and show ing Fred his work.

"Cor, Blimey Tim! That certainly is top notch!" Fred exclaimed

"Thanks Fred!" Little did Fred know, there was more to be done to this landscape picture of Tim's.


Four days later, on the 28th of October 1959, Timothy Turner got up before his parents. He headed down the stairs, with his immaculately wrapped present, and began to set his 'display' up. He placed the gift leaning against the wall, and a homemade card sat in frount of that. Timothy started to make some bacon, eggs and toast. He turned the kettle on, plated up the meal, and as he placed the cups of tea on the table, he heard a noise coming from upstairs, perfect timing he thought. He ran to the stairs and blocked his mum from coming any further.

"Morning Tim! Why are you..." she laughed

"You can't come till dad's here." He said quickly, then added, "Oh, and morning!" He smiled

Shelagh turned around and shouted, Patrick! Hurry up! You can do what you need to later, Tim needs us both! She shouted/laughed up the stairs.

About a minute later, with both his parents at the bottom of the stairs, he let them through to the kitchen hatch

"Happy anniversary!" Timothy exclaimed

"Oh Tim!" his mum wrapped him in a tight squeeze and his dad ruffled his hair and smiled, as Tim stepped back he gave the present to his mum who unwrapped it carefully with her husband behind her.

She took the canvas out of the paper and gaped at the picture before her.

Timothy has painted the backround of the misty road, painted Shelagh in the same clothes from that day a year ago with suitcases in hand with the frount of Patrick's car.

He painted his point of view of the scene on the misty road from the day Sister Bernadette became Shelagh

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