We walked up to the huge golden doors and the guard gave us a nod opening the door for us. The second we stepped inside it was like a domino affect. One person saw us and they pointed us out to another. Everyone's eyes trickled over to us examining us with wide eyes.

We had been all over every new station in the US for about a month. Our faces plastered on every corner with a big 'Wanted' it was hilarious to me but Alex didn't think so. He thought it was bad because everyone saw us all the time. We still had Rebel and Skip, they never left us. Every time we ran, they ran with us or Alex carried skip, Rebel ran. It was reckless and I was terrified something would happen to them but I couldn't trust anyone to take care of them.

A lean man and a short woman approached us. The woman had a fire in her eyes and the man looked like he had be through the ringer by the tiny woman.

"Hello, I'm Ajax and this is my wife Valentine." The man whom I now as Ajax said. Alex stretched his hand out to greet the man. "Alex." He shook the man and woman's hand and I did the same. "Elliot." Valentine had fiery red hair and blue eyes. Dark freckles littered her pale skin. They were dressed as devil and angel. Ajax wore an all black suit and Valentine wore a white skin tight dress that hugged her curves while also making her look innocent.

"You two seem to be causing mayhem." Ajax chuckled. I couldn't help but crack a smile. "I blame Alex. The man doesn't feed me so I have to go into public. I hate people."

"I do feed you, you are just a bottomless pit." I rolled my eyes and punched him in the arm. Valentine laughed. "We are gonna be great friends." By now everyone had gone back to their conversations, only sparing us a few glances.

"Coke one let's go to the bar." Valentine said as she grabbed my arm. I smiled and gave a quick kiss to Alex telling him I was leaving with Valentine.

We reached the bar and we ordered our drinks. Valentine got a sex on the beach and I just got whiskey on the rocks. I took a sip feeling the soothing burn flow down my throat and fill my chest.

"So tell me, where are you from?" She asked. "Well we are from the Carolinas but some shit happened and now we are fugitives." She nodded "How about you?"

"I'm from Kentucky but live in upstate New York. Ajax is too."

"How long have you guys been together?" Uh couldn't help but ask, they looked so in love and they looked great together. "We aren't married yet but we have been engaged for 3 months now." She showed me her diamond ring. "Damn girl. He really got lucky." She giggled "How long have you and Alex been together?" I softly smiled thinking about all of our time together.

"We aren't dating yet."

"Why not, if you don't mind me asking?"

" We have too much shit going on. Too many complications." She nodded in understanding. She reached into her clutch and pulled out a sleek black business card and handed it to me. "Here's the number to the office if you need anything." Seeing the confusion on my face she answered "I'm his PA but I've known him since we were born. We lived next door to each other our whole child and adult lives, our parents were best friends while we hated each other."

I could see in her face that she truly loved him and she was honestly a very genuine person.

We chatted for a bit longer until the guys walked back over to us. Val, like she told me to call her, and Ajax excused themselves to go mingle. "They seem like very good people." I nodded my head. "They are. Turns out the only reason they are here is because Ajax's uncle made a shifty deal. Valentine didn't seem to mind who we were though." I flashed the business card and he pulled his own from his pocket making me laugh.

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